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XIA DDAS steps with spdaq55:
Link to DDAS Docs
Link to DAQ Docs

1) Run Readout

cd ~


1.5) Merge Runs Before DDAS2ROOT so we only produce one root file (requires hard-coding for runs below/above 100 because of leading zeros)


source /usr/opt/;

. /usr/opt/root/root-6.24.06/bin/;

./ run #
(this will combine root files with names like run-0001-0*.root together in a single file called run-0001.root)

2) DDAS2ROOT (requires hard-coding for runs below/above 100 because of leading zeros)

cd ~

./goddasdumper 410



3) Calibration



.L /usr/opt/ddas/6.1-001/lib/

.x ddas2root.cpp


4) Analysis

cd /mnt/daqtesting/protondetector/stagearea




XIA DDAS setting, 06/03/2024 12:20 pm


Ch0 Raw Mesh: TriggerRise 0.040us; TriggerGap 0.976us; Threshold 6553; EnergyRise 7.040us; EnergyGap 2.048us; CFD Delay 0.304us; CFD Scale 7; CFD Threshold 6000; Tau 50us

Ch1 Accepted Logic Mesh: TriggerRise 0.504us; TriggerGap 0.504us; Threshold 520; EnergyRise 0.256us; EnergyGap 0.348us; Leading Edge; Tau 0.05us

Ch3 North Ge: TriggerRise 0.064us; TriggerGap 0.952us; Threshold 300; EnergyRise 10.240us; EnergyGap 1.792us; CFD Delay 0.304us; CFD Scale 7; CFD Threshold 300; Tau 50us

Ch5 South Ge: TriggerRise 0.064us; TriggerGap 0.952us; Threshold 700; EnergyRise 10.752us; EnergyGap 1.280us; CFD Delay 0.304us; CFD Scale 7; CFD Threshold 700; Tau 50us

Remember to use the command “git add something something” after making changes to the file. (Alex or Joe will update the command later)


Config File we are currently using to process h5 files:

GET Config and Describe files:

GET Config for e24joe vs config for 800 torr operation: configure-2cobos-800torr.xcfg.rtf

Transferring processed runs from Mac to fistank with the following command: scp -rp /Volumes/Gdgt_HD/e24joe/run_0095/ protondetector@

File Transfer Script Unedited from Daniel (to upload it to the wiki, the '.rtf' extension was added, remove it after downloading the script):

Actions after Run 0069:
1. Close V-5 to stop flow
2. Bypass source:
a. Open V-3
b. Close V-6 and V-7
3. Verify flow rate <5 sccm on mass flow controller (the controller has a small offset).
4. Verify TPC is still at ~2000 torr.
5. Take background runs. Run 0070 is the 1st background run.

Actions after Run 0080 to prevent damages in the sauna situation:
1. Close V-5 to stop flow
2. Unbias everything.
3. Flow rate 6 sccm.

Status on 7/12/2024:
TPC 30.3℃, North Coldtip: -178.2℃, North Cooler 57.6℃, North Head 50.5℃, GHS 41.0℃.

Status on 7/13/2024:
TPC 33.1℃, North Coldtip: -174.3℃, North Cooler 60.7℃, North Head 54.1℃, GHS 41.9℃.
All temps are still rising. Cooler failure is inevitable.

Evening 7/13/2024, North Cooler failed.
Pressing the cooler On/Off button had no effect.

Mirion Wilhelm & Gabriela: The controller will prevent activation of the cooler when the cold tip temperature exceeds -150 C.  In this condition, the cooler will not activate until the cold tip temperature exceeds 0C.  This functionality is designed to prevent a partial thermal cycle of the detector. Note with large 100% detectors that you have, the detector may not be fully warm a the default cooler activation temperature, so we would recommend to allow a full 24 hour warm up before turning the cooler back on.  

Status on 7/14/2024:
The North Cooler appeared to have restarted automatically? Early Sunday morning, I guess. The Coldtip was at -180℃, which would've caused a partial thermal cycle.
I pressed the On/Off button to allow it to fully warm up, which is expected to be completed by 4 pm 7/15/2024.

Then begin cooling, which should be completed by 4 pm 7/16/2024.

North Resolution is still good.

Run Log

Run Number Flow Rate (sccm) Temperature (C) Bottle Pressure (psi) Notes
0001 104 21.0 (end of run) 1620 Forgot to record pressure log, but it looks steady, GET run number my be off
0002 172 21.1 1590 GET run number was correct.
0003 770 21.0 1590.0 Test to correct gain
0004 770 21.0 1590.0 Test to correct gain
0005 245 21.0 1590.0
0006 245 20.2 1500
0007 167 20.5 Missing
0008 167 20.7 1390
0009 167 20.7 1390 Test to fix south Ge threshold, GET and XIA do not line up
0010 174 19.7 1340 6/3/2024 18:30
0011 174 20.4 (end of run) Not measured
0012 174 20.4 1260 Flow was stopped for 30 min before the run began to take gamma calibration data
0013 174 19.8 1190 Run began 06-05-24 10:26
0014 172 20.3 1170 Run began 06-05-24 16:17
0015 174 19.8 1100 Run began 06-06-24 08:51
0016 174 20.1 1070 Run began 06-06-24 17:06
0017 175 19.8 1000 Run began 06-07-24 10:24
0018 027 20.1 0980 Run began 06-07-24 13:54 (closed off 228th source valves 6 & 7 closed, valve 3 bypass open. fine flow adjusted to 0.5 from 5)
0019 027 20.4 0970 Run began 06-08-24 11:07 (closed 220Rn source flow)
0020 027 20.0 0950 Run began 06-09-24 12:12 (closed 220Rn source flow)
0021 027 19.5 0950 Run began 06-10-24 11:00 (tightened close on 220Rn source flow) NO GAMMA DATA
0022 027 20.0 0950 Run began 06-10-24 16:08 (isolated detector and evacuated upstream) NO GAMMA DATA
0023 0 (evacuated upstream) 20.2 0950 Run began 06-10-24 11:31 (tightened close on 220Rn source flow) NO GAMMA DATA
0024 0 (evacuated upstream) 20.2 0950 Run began (tightened close on 220Rn source flow) NO GAMMA DATA
0025 0 (evacuated upstream) 20.9 0950 Run began 06-11-24 9:33 (tightened close on 220Rn source flow) NO GAMMA DATA
0026 0 (evacuated upstream) 20.9 0950 Run began 06-11-24 10:34 (tightened close on 220Rn source flow) stopped previous run so we can take Ge data as well
0027 0 (evacuated upstream) 21.1 0940 Run began 06-12-24 10:54 (tightened close on 220Rn source flow)
0028 24 (source still isolated) 21.1 0940 Run began 06-13-24 10:22 (gas flowed through bypass 3 w/ no source)
0029 175 (source still isolated) 21.1 0940 Run began 06-13-24 10:35 (gas flowed through bypass 3 w/ no source)
0030 521 (source still isolated) 21.1 0940 Run began 06-13-24 10:58 (gas flowed through bypass 3 w/ no source)
0031 180 (source REINTRODUCED!) 19.4 0940 Run began 06-13-24 11:15
0032 180 19.4 0840 Run began 06-14-24 10:54
0033 182 20.1 0730 Run began 06-15-24 09:50
0034 183 20.5 0630 Run began 06-16-24 10:27
0035 180 20.3 0540 Run began 06-17-24 11:02
0036 181 20.1 0420 Run began 06-18-24 09:38
0037 181 20.2 0310 Run began 06-19-24 11:12
0038 181 20.2 0300 Run began 06-19-24 15:56
NEW P10 BOTTLE lot #32-402986106-1
0039 184 20.2 2380 Run began 06-20-24 16:18
0040 181 20.1 2290 Run began 06-21-24 11:13
0041 180 19.6 2200 Run began 06-22-24 10:44
0042 182 20.4 2110 Run began 06-23-24 07:53
0043 182 20.7 2000 Run began 06-24-24 09:43
0044 184 20.0 1910 Run began 06-25-24 09:35 Cobo 1 went offline 70% of the way through the run, manually created run_0044 for the draw files on the Mac minis
0046 324 18.9 1790 Run began 06-26-24 16:32 Flow increased to try to match 15 total events per second
0047 324 18.9 1790 Run began 06-26-24 16:34 New flow rate gives us 15.3 events per second initially, we will have to check the overnight run to see how grow-in affects this
0048 324 19.3 1680 Run began 06-27-24 08:55 This run has a total event rate of 26/s
0049 244 19.5 1630 Run began 06-27-24 14:25
0050 243 19.8 1590 Run began 06-27-24 21:07
0051 244 20.2 1520 Run began 06-28-24 09:39
0052 245 20.1 1470 Run began 06-28-24 20:56
0053 244 20.1 1410 Run began 06-29-24 09:17 accidentally ended the XIA DAQ early by a few seconds
0054 240 19.1 1320 Run began 06-29-24 20:59 noticed that the flow rate dropped to 240 then raised to 248 at the start of the run
0055 244 19.8 1260 Run began 06-30-24 09:24
0056 244 19.7 1200 Run began 06-30-24 20:58
0057 245 20.0 1120 Run began 07-01-24 10:24
0058 245 19.6 1070 Run began 07-01-24 20:57
0059 246 19.8 1000 Run began 07-02-24 09:35 XIA run ended at the same time as GET DAQ
0060 242 20.0 0920 Run began 07-02-24 21:11
0061 244 19.6 0870 Run began 07-03-24 09:57
0062 244 20.8 0790 Run began 07-03-24 22:33
0063 244 19.5 700 Run began 07-04-24 10:05
0064 244 21.5 650 Run began 07-05-24 00:46 NOTE: h5 file transferred to fishtanks wasn't fully merged because the hard drive the merger was operating on ran out of space
0065 247 18.9 590 Run began 07-05-24 09:51
0066 244 21.9 500 Run began 07-05-24 21:56
0067 243 19.1 410 Run began 07-06-24 14:49
0068 243 22.0 380 Run began 07-07-24 00:38
0069 245 21.2 300→240 Run began 07-07-24 14:35→19:58
0070 6 20.4 240 began 07-07-24 20:18 background
0071 6 19.7 250 began 07-08-24 13:09 background
0072 6 20.7 230 began 07-09-24 12:28 background
NEW P10 BOTTLE lot #32-403080558-1
0073 249 21.5 2400 began 07-10-24 17:01 production run with a new bottle of P10 from lot #32-403080558-1
0074 249 21.1 2360 began 07-10-24 22:24. It takes 16.3 hours to reach 200 GB.
0075 249 19.3 2300 began 07-11-24 8:55.
0076 245 19.2 2300 began 07-11-24 ~9:30 pm. Short run.
0077 245 19.2 2220 began 07-11-24 21:37.
0078 245 20.7 2150 began 07-12-24 9:42. Temperature increased during run because of AC. Rolled run early because of this (see below)
0079 237 27.2 2200 began 07-11-24 15:53. 1 nA MM leakage current, likely because of lower gas density
0080 237 30.3 2200 began 7-12-2024 21:34 GET DID NOT COLLECT DATA, HAD TO RESTART
After 80 6 33.1 2220 Everything off.
0081 250 22.5 2090 began 7-17-2024 16:20 GET DID NOT COLLECT DATA, HAD TO RESTART
0082 249 22.5 2090 began 7-17-2024 16:29
0083 250 20.5 2040 began 7-18-2024 01:05
0084 246 20.4 2000 began 7-18-2024 10:04
0085 248 19.6 1940 began 7-18-2024 21:10
0086 248 20.0 1880 began 7-19-2024 10:02
0087 247 19.8 1800 began 7-19-2024 21:17
0088 246 19.8 1720 began 7-20-2024 09:42
0089 247 20.1 1680 began 7-20-2024 20:12
0090 247 20.3 1610 began 7-21-2024 09:18
0091 248 19.8 1540 began 7-21-2024 20:58
0092 244 20.7 1470 began 7-22-2024 10:08
0093 246 20.7 1410 began 7-22-2024 21:01
0094 247 20.0 1320 began 7-23-2024 10:36
0095 246 22.5 1290 began 7-23-2024 20:58
0096 244 21.0 1200 began 7-24-2024 10:28
0097 246 20.3 1140 began 7-24-2024 20:48
0098 247 19.8 1060 began 7-25-2024 08:49
0099 243 20.7 1000 began 7-25-2024 21:13
0100 247 20.2 0910 began 7-26-2024 10:24
0101 246 20.8 0850 began 7-26-2024 21:40
0102 246 20.3 0780 began 7-27-2024 10:32
0103 247 20.4 0720 began 7-27-2024 20:57
0104 246 20.3 0630 began 7-28-2024 10:06
0105 244 21.3 0590 began 7-28-2024 21:01
0106 247 21.1 0510 began 7-29-2024 10:19
0107 242 22.9 0420 began 7-29-2024 20:27
0108 244 22.2 0380 began 7-30-2024 09:23
0109 (BG) 010 21.4 0290 began 7-30-2024 20:17 BACKGROUND RUN
0110 (BG) 006 22.1 0290 began 7-31-2024 10:33 BACKGROUND RUN
0111 (BG) 005 20.5 0290 began 8-01-2024 08:45 BACKGROUND RUN
0112 (BG) 006 20.7 0290 began 8-02-2024 09:22 BACKGROUND RUN
0113 (BG) 006 20.5 0290 began 8-03-2024 11:01 BACKGROUND RUN
0114 (BG) 006 19.4 0290 began 8-04-2024 12:12 BACKGROUND RUN
0115 (BG) 006 20.1 0290 began 8-05-2024 08:31 BACKGROUND RUN
0116 (BG) 006 20.0 0290 began 8-06-2024 10:05 BACKGROUND RUN
0117 (BG) 006 20.2 0290 began 8-07-2024 10:12 BACKGROUND RUN
0118 (BG) 006 20.2 0290 began 8-07-2024 20:00 BACKGROUND RUN (GET run 118 ran for XIA runs 118-121)
0119 (run automator test) 006 N/A 0290 began 8-08-2024 00:00 daq automator did not work on GET, because the display on the Mac turned off, this should be fixed for run 122 and on
0120 (run automator test) 006 N/A 0290 began 8-08-2024 04:00 daq automator did not work on GET, because the display on the Mac turned off, this should be fixed for run 122 and on
0121 (run automator test) 006 N/A 0290 began 8-08-2024 08:00 daq automator did not work on GET, because the display on the Mac turned off, this should be fixed for run 122 and on
0122 (BG) 006 19.7 0290 began 8-08-2024 10:37 BACKGROUND RUN
0123 (run automator test) 006 19.7 0290 began 8-08-2024 11:37 BACKGROUND RUN
0124 (run automator test) 006 19.7 0290 began 8-08-2024 11:43 BACKGROUND RUN
0125 (BG) 006 19.7 0290 began 8-08-2024 12:13 BACKGROUND RUN
NEW P10 BOTTLE lot #32-403085840-1
0126 511 20.1 2390 began 8-08-2024 14:20
0134 243 20.1 2160 began 8-08-2024 10:02 short run
0135 006 20.1 2160 began 8-19-2024 ~11:30, a short run testing the automator
0136 006 20.1 2160 began 8-19-2024 12:00, bg with TPC voltage turned on ~10 minutes into the run, stopped/started using automator
0137-141 broken runs from testing the automator, GET DAQ did not stop/start properly
0142 006 NA 2160 began 8-20-2024 10:43, run automator test, caffeinated the mm0 and mm1, added delay of 30 s between stop of previous run and start of next run to allow HD's to wake up and get ready
0143 006 NA 2160 began 8-20-2024 12:00, run automator test
0144 006 NA 2160 began 8-20-2024 16:00, run automator test, GET DAQ not working, changed script because the stop button was buffering after being clicked a few times quickly
0145 006 NA 2160 began 8-20-2024 16:09, run automator test overnight
0146 006 NA 2160 began 8-20-2024 20:00, run automator test overnight
0147 006 NA 2160 began 8-21-2024 00:00, run automator test overnight
0148 006 NA 2160 began 8-21-2024 04:00, run automator test overnight
0149 006 NA 2160 began 8-21-2024 08:00, run automator test successful, next run will start production
0150 507 19.5 2140 began 8-21-2024 10:05
0151 507 NA NA began 8-21-2024 12:00
0152 502 20.0 2090 began 8-21-2024 16:01
0153 502 NA NA began 8-21-2024 20:01
0154 502 NA NA began 8-22-2024 00:01
0155 502 NA NA began 8-22-2024 04:01
0156 502 19.1 1900 began 8-22-2024 08:01
0157 502 NA NA began 8-22-2024 12:01
0158 502 NA NA began 8-22-2024 16:01
0159 502 NA NA began 8-22-2024 20:01, for the GET DAQ, this run ends at 8-23 at 04:00. It goes with XIA runs 159 and 160
0160 502 NA NA began 8-23-2024 04:01, GET run 160 goes with XIA run 161
0161 502 20.2 1600 began 8-23-2024 08:01, ended abruptly due to clean power outage at ~08:45, GET run 161 goes with XIA run 162
0162 000 NA NA XIA DAQ now delays Ge signal by 4 us to get Mesh-gamma coin. See previous entry for XIA run, for the GET DAQ, this is a test run to make sure everything is functioning after the power outage
0163 000 NA NA GET and XIA test
0164 511 21.0 1610 began 8-28-2024 13:36
0165 505 19.5 1590 began 8-28-2024 16:00
0166 NA NA began 8-28-2024 20:01
0167 NA NA began 8-29-2024 00:01
0168 NA NA began 8-29-2024 04:01
0169 504 19.0 1390 began 8-29-2024 08:01, temp, bottle pressure taken at 09:59
0170 NA NA began 8-29-2024 12:01
0171 NA NA began 8-29-2024 16:00
0172 NA NA began 8-29-2024 20:00
0173 NA NA began 8-30-2024 00:00
0174 NA NA began 8-30-2024 04:00
0175 502 20.0 1110 began 8-30-2024 08:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 08:59
0176 NA NA began 8-30-2024 12:01
0177 NA NA began 8-30-2024 16:00
0178 NA NA began 8-30-2024 20:00
0179 NA NA began 8-31-2024 00:00
0180 NA NA began 8-31-2024 04:00
0181 502 19.9 0800 began 8-31-2024 08:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 10:45
0182 NA NA began 8-31-2024 12:00
0183 NA NA began 8-31-2024 16:00
0184 503 18.7 0700 began 8-31-2024 20:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 20:00
0185 NA NA began 9-01-2024 00:00
0186 NA NA began 9-01-2024 04:00
0187 502 18.8 0550 began 9-01-2024 08:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 08:00
0188 NA NA began 9-01-2024 12:00
0189 502 19.6 0390 began 9-01-2024 16:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 20:00 (at end of run)
0190 508 19.3 0390 began 9-03-2024 10:10
0191 NA NA began 9-03-2024 12:00
0192 NA NA began 9-03-2024 16:00, final bottle reading at the end of run was around 280 psi
NEW P10 BOTTLE lot #32-403085840-1
0193 506 19.3 2400 began 9-03-2024 20:25, run started after switching bottle and letting GHS go to vacuum for 10 minutes before flowing gas
0194 NA NA began 9-04-2024 00:00
0195 NA NA began 9-04-2024 04:00
0196 498 21.0 2230 began 9-04-2024 08:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 09:45
0197 NA NA began 9-04-2024 12:00
0198 503 19.5 2150 began 9-04-2024 16:00
0199 506 NA NA began 9-04-2024 20:00
0200 NA NA began 9-05-2024 00:00
0201 NA NA began 9-05-2024 04:00
0202 505 22.3 1940 began 9-05-2024 08:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 11:09
0203 NA NA began 9-05-2024 12:00
0204 505 18.7 1890 began 9-05-2024 16:00
0205 NA NA began 9-05-2024 20:00
0206 NA NA began 9-06-2024 00:00
0207 NA NA began 9-06-2024 04:00
0208 502 19.5 1690 began 9-06-2024 08:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 09:02
0209 NA NA began 9-06-2024 12:00
0210 502 18.7 1610 began 9-06-2024 16:00
0211 NA NA began 9-06-2024 20:00
0212 NA NA began 9-07-2024 00:00
0213 NA NA began 9-07-2024 04:00
0214 503 20.0 1400 began 9-07-2024 08:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 10:47
0215 NA NA began 9-07-2024 12:00
0216 NA NA began 9-07-2024 16:00
0217 502 18.8 1290 began 9-07-2024 20:00
0218 NA NA began 9-08-2024 00:00
0219 NA NA began 9-08-2024 04:00
0220 NA NA began 9-08-2024 08:00
0221 504 19.6 1110 began 9-08-2024 12:00
0222 NA NA began 9-08-2024 16:00
0223 502 18.9 1010 began 9-08-2024 20:00
0224 NA NA began 9-09-2024 00:00
0225 NA NA began 9-09-2024 04:00
0226 NA NA began 9-09-2024 08:00
0227 505 19.7 0830 began 9-09-2024 12:00
0228 504 18.9 0790 began 9-09-2024 16:00
0229 NA NA began 9-09-2024 20:00
0230 NA NA began 9-10-2024 00:00
0231 NA NA began 9-10-2024 04:00
0232 506 19.6 0560 began 9-10-2024 08:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 10:40
0233 503 19.9 0550 began 9-10-2024 12:00
0234 504 19.2 0500 began 9-10-2024 16:00
0235 NA NA began 9-10-2024 20:00
0236 NA NA began 9-11-2024 00:00
0237 NA NA began 9-11-2024 04:00
0238 504 19.4 0280 began 9-11-2024 08:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 09:00
0239 began 9-11-2024 12:00
NEW P10 BOTTLE lot #32-403085840
0240 506 19.0 2380 began 9-11-2024 16:14
0241 503 19.2 2320 began 9-11-2024 20:00
0242 NA NA began 9-12-2024 00:00, GET run 242 goes from 00:00 to 08:00 9-12-24
0243 NA NA began 9-12-2024 04:00, GET run 243 goes from 08:00 to 11:00 9-12-24
0244 NA NA began 9-12-2024 08:00, RUN 244 DOES NOT EXIST FOR GET
0245 502 19.8 2170 began 9-12-2024 10:59
0246 502 19.5 2150 began 9-12-2024 12:00
0247 501 19.7 2110 began 9-12-2024 15:00
0248 503 19.3 2090 began 9-12-2024 18:00
0249 NA NA began 9-12-2024 21:00
0250 NA NA began 9-13-2024 00:00
0251 NA NA began 9-13-2024 03:00
0252 NA NA began 9-13-2024 06:00
0253 504 19.2 1910 began 9-13-2024 09:00
0254 502 19.8 1900 began 9-13-2024 12:00
0255 504 19.3 1860 began 9-13-2024 15:00
0256 NA NA began 9-13-2024 18:00
0257 NA NA began 9-13-2024 21:00
0258 NA NA began 9-14-2024 00:00
0259 NA NA began 9-14-2024 03:00
0260 NA NA began 9-14-2024 06:00
0261 502 19.6 1620 began 9-14-2024 09:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 11:00
0262 NA NA began 9-14-2024 12:00
0263 NA NA began 9-14-2024 15:00
0264 NA NA began 9-14-2024 18:00
0265 NA NA began 9-14-2024 21:00
0266 NA NA began 9-15-2024 00:00
0267 NA NA began 9-15-2024 03:00
0268 NA NA began 9-15-2024 06:00
0269 502 20.5 1450 began 9-15-2024 09:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 11:28
0270 NA NA began 9-15-2024 12:00
0271 NA NA began 9-15-2024 15:00
0272 NA NA began 9-15-2024 18:00
0273 NA NA began 9-15-2024 21:00, GET run went from 21:00 to 03:00, skipping midnight change
0274 NA NA began 9-16-2024 00:00, GET run behind, run 274 GET goes with 275 XIA
0275 NA NA began 9-16-2024 03:00, GET run behind, run 275 GET goes with 276 XIA
0276 NA NA began 9-16-2024 06:00, GET run behind, run 276 GET goes with 277 XIA
0277 NA NA began 9-16-2024 09:00, GET run 277 does not exist
0278 503 19.4 1090 began 9-16-2024 10:59
0279 began 9-16-2024 12:00
0280 501 19.7 1040 began 9-16-2024 15:00
0281 504 19.7 1000 began 9-16-2024 18:00
0282 began 9-16-2024 21:00
0283 began 9-17-2024 00:00
0284 began 9-17-2024 03:00
0285 began 9-17-2024 06:00
0286 503 20.1 0810 began 9-17-2024 09:00
0287 503 19.8 0790 began 9-17-2024 12:00
0288 503 19.7 0760 began 9-17-2024 15:00
0289 began 9-17-2024 18:00
0290 began 9-17-2024 21:00
0291 began 9-18-2024 00:00
0292 began 9-18-2024 03:00
0293 began 9-18-2024 06:00
0294 504 19.9 0510 began 9-18-2024 09:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 10:15
0295 504 19.6 0490 began 9-18-2024 12:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 13:30
0296 503 19.2 0470 began 9-18-2024 15:00
0297 504 19.6 0410 began 9-18-2024 18:00
0298 began 9-18-2024 21:00
0299 began 9-19-2024 00:00
0300 began 9-19-2024 03:00
0301 began 9-19-2024 06:00, stopped manually because the bottle is low (pressure 0210 psi at 09:00)
NEW P10 BOTTLE lot #32-403125820-1
0302 504 2330 began 9-19-2024 16:16
0303 507 19.2 2300 began 9-19-2024 18:00
0304 began 9-19-2024 21:00
0305 began 9-20-2024 00:00
0306 began 9-20-2024 03:00
0307 began 9-20-2024 06:00
0308 507 19.6 2110 began 9-20-2024 09:00
0309 504 19.3 2090 began 9-20-2024 12:00, temp, bottle pressure taken at 12:30
0310 began 9-20-2024 15:00
0311 began 9-20-2024 18:00
0312 began 9-20-2024 21:00
0313 began 9-21-2024 00:00
0314 began 9-21-2024 03:00
0315 began 9-21-2024 06:00
0316 505 19.4 1860 began 9-21-2024 09:00
0317 began 9-21-2024 12:00
0318 began 9-21-2024 15:00
0319 began 9-21-2024 18:00
0320 began 9-21-2024 21:00
0321 began 9-22-2024 00:00
0322 began 9-22-2024 03:00
0323 began 9-22-2024 06:00
0324 506 19.6 1590 began 9-22-2024 09:00
0325 began 9-22-2024 12:00
0326 began 9-22-2024 15:00
0327 began 9-22-2024 18:00
0328 began 9-22-2024 21:00
0329 began 9-23-2024 00:00, GET does not change here, GET run 328 goes with XIA run 328 & 329
0330 began 9-23-2024 03:00, GET run 329 goes with XIA run 330
0331 began 9-23-2024 06:00, GET run 330 goes with XIA run 331
0332 began 9-23-2024 09:00, GET run 331 goes with XIA run 332, GET 332 does not exist
0333 504 19.2 1300 began 9-23-2024 10:30
0334 505 19.9 1290 began 9-23-2024 12:00
0335 506 20.3 1260 began 9-23-2024 15:00
0336 504 19.4 1210 began 9-23-2024 18:00
0337 began 9-23-2024 21:00
0338 began 9-24-2024 00:00
0339 began 9-24-2024 03:00
0340 began 9-24-2024 06:00
0341 507 19.2 1030 began 9-24-2024 09:00, at 10:08 the AsAd power, NIM Crate controlling trigger logic, and the South Ge controller were shut down, thus ending the runs on both GET and XIA systems
NOTE: HD0 and HD2 were swapped, HD1 and HD3 (& HD0 and HD2) were swapped, the share points were updated and the name of the hard drives were changed in Documents/GetScripts/gadget.dataRouter.plist. This gives us more space to store the graw files for the remainder of the experiment.
0342 508 19.0 1000 began 9-26-2024 14:42; gas began flowing 2 minutes after start of run
0343 began 9-26-2024 15:00
0344 505 20.1 0980 began 9-26-2024 18:00, Lead bricks now block the source from the HPGe dets
0345 began 9-26-2024 21:00
0346 began 9-27-2024 00:00
0347 began 9-27-2024 03:00
0348 began 9-27-2024 06:00
0349 505 19.5 0800 began 9-27-2024 09:00
0350 505 19.2 0760 began 9-27-2024 12:00
Tried to stop run 350 at 13:27 on 9-27-2024, because fishtank is very slow. The active run time shown in the readout shell for XIA was frozen and behind by 10 minutes, I will periodically try to stop the XIA readout, as it is not responding as of now (13:27)
0351 506 19.5 0750 began 9-30-2024 10:57; gas flow was begun a minute after the run started
0352 began 9-30-2024 12:00
0353 506 20.4 0700 began 9-30-2024 15:00
0354 504 20.1 0670 began 9-30-2024 18:00
0355 began 10-30-2024 21:00
0356 began 10-30-2024 00:00
0357 began 10-30-2024 03:00
0358 began 10-30-2024 06:00
0359 506 19.0 0470 began 10-01-2024 09:00; temp, bottle pressure taken at 09:50
0360 507 19.4 0450 began 10-01-2024 12:00
0361 506 19.4 0400 began 10-01-2024 15:00
0362 505 19.0 0380 began 10-01-2024 18:00
0363 began 10-01-2024 21:00
0364 began 10-02-2024 00:00
0365 began 10-02-2024 03:00
0366 498 25.5 0190 began 10-02-2024 06:00; at the end of this run (09:00), room 1039 was noticeably warm, but the detectors seemed to be working okay. Temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 09:00
NEW P10 BOTTLE lot #32-403157119-1
0367 began 10-14-2024 12:22; test to make sure the DAQs were working properly before turning on the gas
0368 512 19.1 2400 began 10-14-2024 12:24; gas flowed for about a minute before run began, flow rate still stabilizing
0369 494 20.7 2330 began 10-14-2024 15:00; adjusted the regulator to 30 psi downstream. ended XIA DDAS a second early
0370 504 19.8 2300 began 10-14-2024 18:00
0371 began 10-14-2024 21:00
0372 began 10-14-2024 00:00
0373 began 10-15-2024 03:00
0374 began 10-15-2024 06:00
0375 508 19.5 2110 began 10-15-2024 09:00; temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 09:50
0376 506 19.6 2100 began 10-15-2024 12:00
0377 505 19.3 2070 began 10-15-2024 15:00
0378 509 19.6 2030 began 10-15-2024 18:00
0379 began 10-15-2024 21:00
0380 began 10-15-2024 00:00
0381 began 10-16-2024 03:00
0382 began 10-16-2024 06:00
0383 504 19.5 1820 began 10-16-2024 09:00; temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 11:00
0384 507 19.7 1820 began 10-16-2024 12:00
0385 505 20.1 1790 began 10-16-2024 15:00
0386 507 19.2 1760 began 10-16-2024 18:00
0387 began 10-16-2024 21:00
0388 began 10-17-2024 00:00
0389 began 10-17-2024 03:00
0390 began 10-17-2024 06:00
0391 505 19.7 1570 began 10-17-2024 09:00; temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 11:00
0392 507 20.0 1550 began 10-17-2024 12:00
0393 506 19.3 1520 began 10-17-2024 15:00
0394 507 18.9 1490 began 10-17-2024 18:00
0395 began 10-17-2024 21:00
0396 began 10-18-2024 00:00
0397 began 10-18-2024 03:00
0398 began 10-18-2024 06:00
0399 507 20.1 1290 began 10-18-2024 09:00; temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 11:30
0400 508 20.0 1290 began 10-18-2024 12:00
0401 began 10-18-2024 15:00
0402 506 19.9 1210 began 10-18-2024 18:00
0403 began 10-18-2024 21:00
0404 began 10-19-2024 00:00
0405 began 10-19-2024 03:00
0406 began 10-19-2024 06:00
0407 501 20.0 1020 began 10-19-2024 09:00; temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 11:00
0408 began 10-19-2024 12:00
0409 began 10-19-2024 15:00
0410 509 19.2 0930 began 10-19-2024 18:00
0411 began 10-19-2024 21:00
0412 began 10-20-2024 00:00
0413 began 10-20-2024 03:00
0414 began 10-20-2024 06:00
0415 began 10-20-2024 09:00
0416 507 19.7 0710 began 10-20-2024 12:00
0417 began 10-20-2024 15:00
0418 505 19.4 0630 began 10-20-2024 18:00
0419 began 10-20-2024 21:00
0420 began 10-21-2024 00:00
0421 began 10-21-2024 03:00
0422 began 10-21-2024 06:00
0423 504 19.5 0430 began 10-21-2024 09:00; temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 10:30
0424 509 19.5 0410 began 10-21-2024 12:00
0425 505 19.5 0380 began 10-21-2024 15:00
At 18:00 the run was stopped and flow was turned off. There is not enough gas in the bottle (~330 psi) to safely run overnight, so the run will be started again at 09:00 on 10-22-2024
0426 510 19.8 0330 began 10-22-2024 09:23; run started on XIA, then a minute later run began on GET, then a minute after that, the flow was increased to 500 sccm
0427 504 19.2 0300 began 10-22-2024 12:00
0428 508 19.3 0260 began 10-22-2024 15:00; temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 15:25, bottle swapped at 210 psi
NEW P10 BOTTLE lot #32-403157119-1
0429 510 19.5 2380 began 10-22-2024 18:15; began flow a minute before run began
0430 began 10-22-2024 21:00; At 9:05 pm, DDAS is at 0430, 5 minutes in, but GET is still at 0429. I manually stopped 0429 and started 0430 on GET. So, GET run 0430 is 5 minutes later than DDAS run 0430. Both automators' outputs seem to be normal.
0431 began 10-23-2024 00:00
0432 began 10-23-2024 03:00
0433 began 10-23-2024 06:00
0434 507 20.5 2190 began 10-23-2024 09:00; temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 10:15
0435 507 19.4 2150 began 10-23-2024 12:00
0436 507 19.1 2120 began 10-23-2024 15:00
0437 507 19.4 2100 began 10-23-2024 18:00
0438 began 10-23-2024 21:00
0439 began 10-24-2024 00:00
0440 began 10-24-2024 03:00
0441 began 10-24-2024 06:00
0442 505 19.5 1920 began 10-24-2024 09:00
0443 507 19.4 1900 began 10-24-2024 12:00
0444 506 19.8 1870 began 10-24-2024 15:00
0445 507 19.2 1820 began 10-24-2024 18:00
0446 began 10-24-2024 21:00
0447 began 10-25-2024 00:00
0448 began 10-25-2024 03:00
0449 began 10-25-2024 06:00
0450 507 19.6 1650 began 10-25-2024 09:00, temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 10:10
0451 began 10-25-2024 12:00
0452 began 10-25-2024 15:00
0453 508 19.4 1550 began 10-25-2024 18:00
0454 began 10-25-2024 21:00
0455 began 10-26-2024 00:00
0456 began 10-26-2024 03:00
0457 began 10-26-2024 06:00
0458 507 19.7 1380 began 10-26-2024 09:00
0459 began 10-26-2024 12:00
0460 began 10-26-2024 15:00
0461 509 19.3 1280 began 10-26-2024 18:00
0462 began 10-26-2024 21:00
0463 began 10-27-2024 00:00
0464 began 10-27-2024 03:00
0465 began 10-27-2024 06:00
0466 505 19.8 1090 began 10-27-2024 09:00, temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 10:07
0457 began 10-27-2024 12:00
0468 began 10-27-2024 15:00
0469 505 20.1 1000 began 10-27-2024 18:00
0470 began 10-27-2024 21:00
0471 began 10-28-2024 00:00
0472 began 10-28-2024 03:00
0473 began 10-28-2024 06:00
0474 506 19.9 0810 began 10-28-2024 09:00, temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 10:41
0475 507 19.2 0780 began 10-28-2024 12:00, temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 12:55
0476 507 19.2 0750 began 10-28-2024 15:00
0477 507 19.7 0720 began 10-28-2024 18:00
0478 began 10-28-2024 21:00
0479 began 10-29-2024 00:00
0480 began 10-29-2024 03:00
0481 began 10-29-2024 06:00
0482 505 19.5 0510 began 10-29-2024 09:00, temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 09:49
0483 506 19.5 0500 began 10-29-2024 12:00
0484 506 19.5 0470 began 10-29-2024 15:00
0485 5065 19.8 0410 began 10-29-2024 18:00
0486 began 10-29-2024 21:00
0487 began 10-30-2024 00:00
0488 began 10-30-2024 03:00
0489 began 10-30-2024 06:00
0490 501 19.7 0210 began 10-30-2024 09:00, temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 09:58
0491 504 19.6 0190 began 10-30-2024 12:00
0492 507 19.2 0170 began 10-30-2024 15:00, run ended 16:50
NEW P10 BOTTLE (FINAL) lot #32-403157119-1
0493 513 20.0 2330 began 10-30-2024 17:03
0494 508 19.7 2300 began 10-30-2024 18:00
0495 began 10-30-2024 21:00
0496 began 10-31-2024 00:00
0497 began 10-31-2024 03:00
0498 began 10-31-2024 06:00
0499 505 19.4 2110 began 10-31-2024 09:00, temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 09:53
0500 509 21.3 2110 began 10-31-2024 10:18; previous run GET DAQ crashed, likely due to corrupt SSD trying to merge previous runs, I am not sure if this data is recoverable or not at the moment
0501 507 19.9 2090 began 10-31-2024 12:00
0502 505 19.9 2060 began 10-31-2024 15:00
0503 507 19.8 2030 began 10-31-2024 18:00
0504 began 10-31-2024 21:00
0505 began 11-01-2024 00:00
0506 began 11-01-2024 03:00
0507 began 11-01-2024 06:00
0508 505 19.5 1860 began 11-01-2024 09:00
0509 504 19.5 1820 began 11-01-2024 12:00
0510 507 19.6 1790 began 11-01-2024 15:00
0511 506 19.3 1760 began 11-01-2024 18:00
0512 began 11-01-2024 21:00
0513 began 11-02-2024 00:00
0514 began 11-02-2024 03:00
0515 began 11-02-2024 06:00
0516 503 19.2 1590 began 11-02-2024 09:00
0517 began 11-02-2024 12:00
0518 began 11-02-2024 15:00
0519 507 19.5 1500 began 11-02-2024 18:00
0520 began 11-02-2024 21:00
0521 began 11-03-2024 00:00; daylight savings made this an hour longer
0522 began 11-03-2024 03:00
0523 began 11-03-2024 06:00
0524 506 19.8 1300 began 11-03-2024 09:00; this run stops at 18:00 because the GET DAQ Mac mini was on the wrong desktop
0525 began 11-03-2024 12:00; GET run does not exist
0526 began 11-03-2024 15:00; GET run does not exist
0527 509 19.2 1200 began 11-03-2024 18:00
0528 began 11-03-2024 21:00
0529 began 11-04-2024 00:00
0530 began 11-04-2024 03:00
0531 began 11-04-2024 06:00
0532 505 19.3 1010 began 11-04-2024 09:00, temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 09:35
0533 506 19.1 0990 began 11-04-2024 12:00
0534 506 19.2 0960 began 11-04-2024 15:00
0535 506 19.3 0910 began 11-04-2024 18:00
0536 began 11-04-2024 21:00
0537 began 11-05-2024 00:00
0538 began 11-05-2024 03:00
0539 began 11-05-2024 06:00
0540 505 19.5 0730 began 11-05-2024 09:00, temp, bottle pressure and flow rate taken at 09:15
0541 506 19.2 0700 began 11-05-2024 12:00
0542 506 19.0 0660 began 11-05-2024 15:00
0543 507 19.4 0610 began 11-05-2024 18:00
0544 began 11-05-2024 21:00
0545 began 11-06-2024 00:00
0546 began 11-06-2024 03:00
0547 began 11-06-2024 06:00
0548 506 19.6 0440 began 11-06-2024 09:00, previous GET run ran about 1 minute over, this GET run started 1 minute late
0549 504 19.5 0400 began 11-06-2024 12:00
0550 504 19.3 0370 began 11-06-2024 15:00; just noticed at the start of this run that the pressure data recording software (DI-2108) had crashed and was restarted in a new file titled 'pressure data 11-06-2024'
0551 505 19.1 0320 began 11-06-2024 18:00
0552 began 11-06-2024 21:00
0553 began 11-07-2024 00:00
0554 began 11-07-2024 03:00
0555 began 11-07-2024 06:00; final production run
0556 7 19.9 0140 began 11-07-2024 09:00; gas flow stopped at start of run, no 152Eu source yet
0557 6 19.6 0140 began 11-07-2024 17:01; bg run w/ no gas flow, no 152Eu source yet
0558 6 19.7 0140 began 11-08-2024 08:53; bg run w/ no gas flow, no 152Eu source yet
0559 6 19.0 0140 began 11-08-2024 10:04; 152Eu calibration run w/ no gas flow. 152Eu on top of TPC near AsAd box (source rim against the TPC edge, source center 2.7 cm from the rim) for Ge calibration. Two lead bricks were added to block 228Th gammas for this, which were not present in the previous calibration runs.
0560 6 0140 began 11-08-2024 10:35; 152Eu calibration run w/ no gas flow. 152Eu on top of TPC near center (source center 13 cm from the TPC edge) for Ge calibration. Two lead bricks were added to block 228Th gammas for this, which were not present in the previous calibration runs.
0561 6 19.7 0140 began 11-08-2024 11:07; 152Eu on top of TPC near cathode (source center 40 cm from the TPC edge) for Ge calibration. Two lead bricks were added to block 228Th gammas for this, which were not present in the previous calibration runs.
0562 6 19.6 0140 began 11-08-2024 11:38; 152Eu on South side of TPC (source center 20 cm from the TPC edge) for Ge calibration. Two lead bricks were added to block 228Th gammas for this, which were not present in the previous calibration runs.
0563 6 19.2 0140 began 11-08-2024 12:10; 152Eu on North side of TPC (source center 5.5 cm from the TPC edge) for Ge calibration. Two lead bricks were added to block 228Th gammas for this, which were not present in the previous calibration runs.
0564 6 19.7 0140 began 11-08-2024 12:42; bg run w/ no gas flow, 152Eu source in source locker in 1039 (same room)
0565 6 20.1 0140 began 11-08-2024 16:38; bg run w/ no gas flow, 152Eu source in source locker in 1039 (same room)
0566 6 20.1 0140 began 11-09-2024 10:15; bg run w/ no gas flow, 152Eu source in source locker in 1039 (same room)
0567 5 19.8 0140 began 11-10-2024 11:44; bg run w/ no gas flow, 152Eu source in source locker in 1039 (same room)
0801: 152Eu on top of TPC near AsAd box (source rim against the TPC edge, source center 2.7 cm from the rim) for Ge calibration. End Run at 1823 seconds into the run. Run Title: 228Th_152Eu_onTop_nearAsadBox_Mesh_Ch0_MeshAccepted_Ch1_North_Ch3_South_Ch5. The first 2 minutes were noisy; superseded by run 0806.
0802: 152Eu on top of TPC near center (source center 13 cm from the TPC edge) for Ge calibration. End Run at 1830 seconds into the run. Run Title: 228Th_152Eu_onTop_nearCenter_Mesh_Ch0_MeshAccepted_Ch1_North_Ch3_South_Ch5
0803: 152Eu on top of TPC near cathode (source center 40 cm from the TPC edge) for Ge calibration. End Run at 1811 seconds into the run. Run Title: 228Th_152Eu_onTop_nearCathode_Mesh_Ch0_MeshAccepted_Ch1_North_Ch3_South_Ch5
0804: 152Eu on South side of TPC (source center 20 cm from the TPC edge) for Ge calibration. End Run at 1901 seconds into the run. Run Title: 228Th_152Eu_onSideNextToSouth_Mesh_Ch0_MeshAccepted_Ch1_North_Ch3_South_Ch5
0805: 152Eu on North side of TPC (source center 5.5 cm from the TPC edge) for Ge calibration. End Run at 1810 seconds into the run. Run Title: 228Th_152Eu_onSideNextToNorth_Mesh_Ch0_MeshAccepted_Ch1_North_Ch3_South_Ch5
0806: 152Eu on top of TPC near AsAd box (source rim against the TPC edge, source center 2.7 cm from the rim) for Ge calibration. End Run at 1791 seconds into the run. Run Title: 228Th_152Eu_onTop_nearAsadBox_Mesh_Ch0_MeshAccepted_Ch1_North_Ch3_South_Ch5.
0807: 228Th source moved to room 1035, run taken for 24 hours, only recording channel 3; Run Title: 228Th_Mesh_Ch0_MeshAccepted_Ch1_North_Ch3_South_Ch5.

Temporary storage of scripts:

e24joe.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/26 10:00 by dopfer