Table of Contents
AFTER, an ASIC for the Readout of the Large T2K Time Projection Chambers
A TPC for the Near Detector at T2K: Lux, Journal of Physics Conference Series 65, 012018, 2007.
FEM-STUC User Manual
After (ASIC):
Manual v.1
How to change the input polarity
Description of the layout and functions of the FEC cards : Xavier De La Broïse
(Table of contents) TOC for the FEM design note
(Main text) FEM design note: Denis Calvet
Front End Card (FEC)
Here are the dimensions of the FEC board :
The design of the printed circuit of the ASIC prototypes test card has validated the space required for the
components and routing in the FEC card : 250 mm x 140 mm. Indeed the minimal value for the length of
the board (250 mm) is imposed by the length of the four input connectors plus the gap between the two
central connectors (this gap is required by a central mechanical piece of the detector structure). The width
of the board (140 mm) cannot be noticeably reduced without causing difficulties in PCB routing.
Below is a picture of a prototype version of the FEC testcard that shows the connectors and gap required to accommodate the T2K central mechanical piece mentioned above.
(source: P. Baron slides, ACTAR Meeting, Jan 23, 2008)
Front End Mezzannine (FEM)
Concerning the FEM board, it is still in prototype phase so the dimension are not still official. It will be by the end of june.