Week 1: Basic techniques of quantum many-body physics
Monday, July 14
Welcome/Introductory Remarks
Dario Vretenar 1: Reminder of advanced quantum mechanics: Coordinate and momentum representations of the Hilbert space, discrete bases, operators, Schrodinger equation, spin, isospin, Dirac equation
Computational Projects: Requirements for the computational projects, crash courses on Makefile and the git version control system.
talentdftguides.pdf: More information on Git, Unit tests, Object Orientation, and MPI/OpenMP
Tuesday, July 15
Scott Bogner 1: In this lecture I review some basic concepts and tools of many-body theory (symmetrization postulate for N-body states, Fock space and second quantization, Wick's theorem, particle-hole picture). The treatment I give is standard, and may be found in any of the textbooks in the References.