Primary Contact: Gary Westfall
Secondary Contact: Hui Wang
Describe current gas system
Provide operational instructions
Detail problems with system
Gary & Hui's plans
Primary Contact: Daisuke Suzuki
Secondary Contact: Krista Cruse
« The 1st meeting »
2009/4/30 @ Seminar room
Participants: David Erickson, Peter Grivin, WM, AB, KC, DS
« The 2nd meeting »
2009/5/15 10h - 11h @ Theory library
Participants: DE, PG, Ashley Garrett, John Yurkon, WM, HW, DS
Hydrogen gas safety guide by Los Alamos:
Purchase Order List Last Update August 6, 2009
Material List Last Update June 29, 2009
Gas Flow Scheme Last Update June 18, 2009
Design of the new gas handler Last Update August 4, 2009
Front Panel
Cross Section A
Cross Section B
Cross Section C0
Cross Section C1
Cross Section C2
Top Plate
Bottom Plate
Side Plate
Support 01
Support 02
(Minimum version)
Front Panel
Top Plate
Bottom Plate
Side Plate
Work order (submitted to NSCL 7/08/2009)
ID: 2888-001-MD-001
7/08-7/15/2009: With contact person
7/15/2009: Rejected; will be handled by detector lab per Mantica/Morrissey.
7/16/2009: Resubmitted
ID: 2888-000-FC-002
7/21/2009: Cancelled.
Work order (submitted to the physics department)
Thomas Palazzolo, Instrument Shop Manager
Physics shop workorder form
Internal components to the physics machine shop
8/6/2009 9-10h @#1213, BPS buiding; Meeting
8/20/2009 @NSCL machine shop;
KF25 flanges was welded on both the ends of the flexible tube that connects the pump exhaust to the vent.
8/21/2009 @BPS; The box (w/o the front panel), piping pieces and fixers have already been made.
8/21/2009 @N1; The flexible tube for vent was installed.
9/30/2009 @N1; Completed.
February 2009:
April 2009:
Primary Contact: Krista Cruse
Secondary Contact: ????
High Voltage Supplies
Two high voltage supplies are currently in use with the test chamber. A 20kV Bertan supply, model 205B-20R and a 2 channel 5kV programmable CAEN supply, model N570. These supplies are currently being used to power the cathode and the active components (GEMs and Micromegas) of the chamber.
Operational instructions
Bertan Supply
CAEN Supply
Voltage divider circuits
Primary Contact: Daisuke Suzuki
Secondary Contact: Hui Wang
Canberra Model 2006 (Preamplifier) manual:2006_ss.pdf
Canberra Series 35+ (MCA) manual:series35_.pdf
Data acquisition with FemStuc
Data Analysis
T2K Electronics
- DAQ configurations for calibrations using the on-board pulser (8.21.2009 DS)
Documentation for running the electronics in calibration mode
Primary Contact: Abby Bickley
After acquiring data from the test chamber it should be transferred off of the daq laptop for analysis. A group account has been established on the NSCL farm for this purpose.
- account name: tpcdev
- account pwd: email Abby if you don't know
To transfer the data follow these instructions.
The data can be accessed from any computer using the group account or your personal NSCL account. If you choose to write files using your personal account please make sure your permissions are set to allow group read and write access to facilitate group disk management. To facilitate group file management I suggest that you create a directory named as your nscl username to store all of your code and processed files. Creation of this directory will be a good test of whether you have write access to the group directories.
Two directories have been created for our use. Each has its distinct purpose. Please follow these standards.
- /projects/proj2/e09043/: this space is backed up by the lab and is designated for saving code; do not store data or large root files here.
- /evtdata/e09043/: this space is not backed up by the lab and is designated for saving data; do not store code in this directory; a recent catastrophic failure resulted in the loss of these disks.
NIFFTE Virtual Machine file and README:
Sparsely populated NIFFTE homepage:
NIFFTE manual V1
Primary Contact: Hui Wang
Secondary Contact: Krista Cruse
update with detailed info of cosmic trigger setup and operation
Primary Contact: Wolfgang Mittig
Secondary Contact: Terry Tarnowsky
update with design & construction plans