Does the kinematics calculator include anisotropic gamma radiation?
Why is the angular acceptance fixed?
Beam spot and divergence in front of target, focusing necessary to minimize (x|a)?
If (x|a) is non zero, how does that affect the resolving power?
Rejection requirements were unclear
Is x_0 the half beam spot size?
definition of rejection for detectors
What is the meaning of the interpolation line of the charge state distribution?
Are separators ever compromised by space charge effects from large beam currents?
What limits the systematic errors in measurement efficiency, transmission, charge state population?
How significant can be the background in a (p,g) experiment from target impurities?
Notation: is there a difference between (x|d)d_1, (x,m)dM/M, and (x|\Delta M) \Delta M/M?
Some questions from Lecture 3 (Berg):
1) Does COSY allow implementation of higher order corrections in dipoles?
2) Why dipoles doublets instead of one large dipole?
3) Definition of K, T, and C in dispersion matching.
4) Define fringe field.
5) Define Rogowski profile.
6) Explain H and K coil in K600 Spectrometer. Why quad inside K600?
7) HO in K600 Spectrometer.
8) How to use reconstruct the scattering angle at target from focal plane measurement? Setup of multi-slit for angle calibration, drift between target and multi-slit.
9) Discuss only one spectrometer (e.g. K600, Grand Raiden, Big Karl).
10) Explain magnetization of ferro-magnetic material.
11) p. 14 Why not 0 deg with beam (for dispersion matching)?
12) Will permanent magnet saturate material. Similar to coil generated fields?
1) Why are there 189 Characteristic Rays (see Procedure CHARAY)?
2) How realistic is Gaussian distribution for the incoming beam?
3) Difference between dispersive focus and achromatic focus.
4) On ST. GEORGE the reactions that push the energy acceptance (+/-8%) also pushes the angular acceptance (+/-40 mrad). This doesn’t seem to be true in SECAR: 15O(p,g)19Ne pushes the energy acceptance (+/-3.1%) but not in the angular acceptance (only +/-15.6 mradvs. SECAR’s +/-25 mrad acceptance). Is there a reason SECAR was designed with angular acceptance so much larger than the energy acceptance?
5) Purpose of SECAR Section 3?
6) On slide 6, what is the meaning of the arrows the Effective Field Length and Good Field Regions?
7) Extended target for SECAR?
8) Engefunction (not from this Lecture)?
9) Is Q1 (Quad + Hex) used or only a design feature?
10) x_HO= (x’|x)*2_0 + HO, how are the higher order terms (HO) added
11) Clarify D in the definition of the Nominal Beam definition
12) Why is the alignment adjusted before and after the ion optical element?
13) Can the recirculatory-ring for projectile beam increase the nuclear reaction rate? I.E. can we return the projectile beam (passed through the target) to the beam again.
14) Alignment example not clear.
15) Does higher order effects give us details about the initial beam characteristic? Or do HO effects tell us that the beam line is different than what we think? ( e.g. field imperfections in the magnets etc.)