Please leave a note providing feedback to lecturers and school organizers. Did you enjoy the school and was it useful? What was good and what can be improved?
I enjoyed the school a lot! I had the feeling that every one was happy and very motivated to participate in the discussions and tasks at hand.
The balance between lectures and hands-on sessions was good and got me in the topic quickly. It was great that one could get results quite quickly or play around with the given code snippets to better understand whats happening and having the freedom to follow own ideas without a deadline to complete the whole project. As a first step to learn how Ion Optics programs work this was very useful.
The lectures did a wonderful job, not only with the talks but also with taking the time to give detailed answers to all the questions that came up.
Concerning the group work, I think the room was to small for the number of groups.
Thank you for the opportunity to participate! – Louis