Please add your successes, issues, questions, and learning points concerning installation of COSY-Infinity here.
Mac Installation on macOS 10.13.6. produced error at the end of the installation. However, everything seems to be in place and running
For Mac users: I contacted the COSY Infinity support team and they said that the installation package of version 9.2 is good for running COSY 10.1 beam physics environment. After installing the v9.2 you should be able to run the “” file (from which is basically the 10.1 beam physics package. This run will create the “COSY.bin” file (which corresponds to the 10.1 version) and by having it in your working directory you should be able to run any “.fox” file. Works fine on macOS 10.10.5.
Don't forget to run the file “” in COSY to create the binary “COSY.bin” that has to be included in all beam physics scipts, including the “” test file.
Here is a simple syntax coloring file I use in notepad++ for COSYscript files (.fox). If you use notepad++, download cosy_language.xml, open notepad++ and go to Language > Define your language… > Import, and then select the cosy_language.xml that you downloaded. You then may have to restart notepad++ for it to show up. (Ben Loseth)
/srv/thewikis/JIOSS/data/pages/installation_discussion.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/10 11:09 by gastis