Meeting Minutes February 17, 2012
Bill, Betty, Dan, Mike, Zibi, Rachel, Suwat, Jack, Bec
Group Business
Betty: Lab moving: Asbestos in 124, abating floor. Don't go in there. Some more delay in moving, no updates to schedule
Experiment: nothing scheduled yet, probably not running until summer at earliest
Zibi: preamp box for Lee's exp: use one that was on top of the S800 chamber? Need a stand/small table?
FYI: chipboards from Jack's experiment are at Wash U right now
Micron detector: is the cable right? Dan/Mike will check.
Bec: Miniball box: new rails (48“) will cost $250. For now we'll put in the rails from Oct 2011 experiment and plan to buy new ones when we need them
Rachel: creating a link on wiki for Future HiRA Purchases
Efficiency Program (Jack)
plots pixels from data
For every pixel hit generate 100 random hits spread across the pixel.
suppress any multiple hit in a single bin
Project to 1D in theta: calculates the fraction of solid angle hit in the theta range chosen
Mike: pT vs rapidity for isotopes (p,d,t,3He,alpha). Also plotting cross-sections dM/dEdOmega including lab efficiency for protons, Bill suggests putting all into one plot.
Rachel should copy this method and attempt for her data
Dan: putting together multi-hit events in neutron walls, trying to see what events did not make the cut. High reject rate in Wall 0 at 120 MeV. When include the PID gates as part of the cut determination, lowers the rejection rate… by a lot. Next step will cut on less overlap with the proton vetoes, should clean up some but not as much.