Meeting Minutes May 25, 2012
Bill, Betty, Chris, Bec, Jack, Rachel, Suwat, Dan, Zibi
Present for Jun's talk
Yingxun, Giuseppe, Jun, Brent
Jun: Pion production in pBUU
Au+Au collisions, comparing data from FOPI to calculations
Made a new mean field which gives similar shapes to the yields of pion+ and pion-
New MF does not describe the flow data from KaoS experiment with Bi very well (ratio of out-of-plane to in-plane)
Compare also her calculations to other models/parameter sets. Most have different trends
Select out density-dependence using cuts on angle from y, transverse momentum
Group Business
Lab watch: Jack on this week. Both labs look okay.
Jon is on lab watch next week
Eyewash is installed
Vacuum testing: Jack will work with two undergrads to teach them out to set up and start vacuum chambers
Undergrads having lab access problems
Zibi will talk next week on efficiency
Zibi will collect time availability constraints and talk to Lee about preferred times to schedule
Zibi's experiment accepted, got half of requested hours
Mike Famiano got an experiment approved
Zach Kohley's MONA EOS experiment approved
Dan: comparing light output from neutron walls between data and GEANT simulations. Very different shapes between the two, true for gammas, protons, and alphas
Rachel: Chris is working on pin source data to see if we can use it to make calibrations. Rachel got LASSA files to convert (finally) and is checking mapping, with Michael's help.