Meeting Minutes Jan 19, 2012
Bec, Mike, Rachel, Zibi, Jack, Betty, Bill, Suwat
Group Business
Lab watch: Bec was this week, N2 flow in N111 good
Lab move? Paul Zeller should give us a schedule sometime
3 experiments this summer: 2 from Lee and 1 from Alan, all three occurring together
Miniball box coming! Use rails from the 07038 experiment
Jimmy is putting together HiRA boxes from machine shop. If they look okay then we'll clean the pieces.
Efficiency: Jack
Instead of Monte Carlo approach, try an easier 1st order geometric efficiency using data files
Have centers of the telescope pixels, added random factor to smear out the angles
count for pixels that work (1 for work, 0 for don't), then take projection of phi vs. theta onto theta to create eff(theta)