This is an old revision of the document!
We're the first group and anyone who claims otherwise is wrong.
1. We are going to model the reaction P-31(p,γ)S-32 in SECAR
2. The Energy of the incident phosphorus is 31MeV
3. We wrote our code, foolishly putting Isaac in charge. Our (commented) code can be found here (add link later)
COSY output shown below
4. Final x and y positions were determined to be x_f=.018 y_f=.009 at dE/E=.05
5. We used to determine the recoil energy and angular distribution
5. Our energy spread is ~3.1%, the same as SECAR's 3.1% limit
6. Our opening angle is 7.0 mrad which is under the 25 mrad max of SECAR
7. Our reaction has been performed before at much lower energies. (~1MeV total)
→ 9/12
8. We finding three bibliographical information on the reaction(P-31(p,γ)S-32) our propose to study. 1. ( Total Yield Measurements 2. ( Accurate Branching Ratio Measurements 3. ( MECHANISM OF THE REACTION IN THE GIANT DIPOLE RESONANCE REGION
9. Xmax(g)=σ11(1+σ12L/σ11-Lg)+(εL)^2/σ22 We need to know the values of σ11, σ12, and σ22 to find the Emittance value. Changing Qurupole Strangth(g value) for make three equation. and using three eqaution find three unknown parameter(σ11, σ12, and σ22).
10. Extract the distance L for the center of quad Q7 to the focal plan FP2 (0.17005(center of quad)+0.5+2.365+0.5+0.26+0.28+0.26+1.75=6.08505)
11. In emittance plus 'WRITE 6 'VAMX :' VMAX(RAY(1)) ;' and extract VMAX Value.