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Installing COSY INFINITY on your computer

With your login and password in hand proceed to: Download

We strongly encourage you to download the manual called “COSYBeamMan100.pdf”

If you are using Windows:

Follow the instructions provided on the download page step 1 and download the files provided in step 4.

If you are using Linux:

These instructions should most probably be working on macOSX as long as you have a fortran

1: Download all the file provided on step 3 of the download page and store them in a dedicated folder. 2: If you are using the intel fortran compiler, just use make to compile.

 #: make 

If not, edit the Makefile file to reflect your compiler. For example for gfortran

/srv/thewikis/JIOSS/data/attic/cosy_installation.1535050003.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/23 14:46 by couder