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Symmetry Energy Journal Club: Fall 2012

We will be meeting once a week (meeting time and location: Tuesday 2:00-3:00pm, Nuclear Seminar) to discuss recent papers and developments in symmetry energy.

A partial list of papers that discuss constraints on the symmetry energy can be found in /projects/hira/hodges/Constraints.xlsx


Spring 2013
Date Presenter First Authors Link Topic Year
1/29 Mike X. Roca-Maza et al. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 342 012009 (2012) arXiv:1202.3028 The pygmy dipole strength, the neutron radius of 208Pb and the symmetry energy 2012
2/12 Rachel I.Tews et al. arXiv:1206.0025 Neutron matter at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order in chiral effective field theory 2012
2/19 Jon M. Liu et al.

nuclear masses | 2010|

1/ Suwat
2/ Jun
2/ Jack
2/ Juan
2/ Irina?

If you need to switch presentation dates, please let Zibi know.

Possible Papers to be Assigned

First Authors Link Topic Year
S. Mallik, G. Chaudhuri arXiv:1301.5615 Symmetry energy from nuclear multifragmentation 2012
X-H Li et al., arXiv:1301.3256 Extracting the nuclear symmetry potential and energy from neutron-nucleus scattering data 2012
Piekarewicz et al. arXiv:1203.4006 Neutron skins and neutron stars 2012
A. W. Steiner and S. Gandolfi Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 081102 (2012) Connecting Neutron Star Observations to Three-Body Forces in Neutron Matter and to the Nuclear Symmetry Energy 2012
X. Roca-Maza et al. ArXiv:1202.3029 The pygmy dipole strength, the neutron radius of 208Pb and the symmetry energy 2012
Wieland et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 092502 (2009) Search for the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in 68Ni at 600  MeV/nucleon 2009
Yong et al. Phys. Rev. C 73, 034603 (2006) Single and double π-/π+ ratios in heavy-ion reactions as probes of the high-density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy 2006
Bao-Li et al Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 4221 (200) Neutron-Proton Differential Flow as a Probe of Isospin-Dependence of the Nuclear Equation of State 2000
Liewen et al Phys. Rev. C 58, 2283–2291 (1998) Analysis of isospin dependence of nuclear collective flow in an isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics model 1998
E.D. Filippo et al. arXiv:1206.0697 Correlations between emission timescale of fragments and isospin dynamics in 124Sn+64Ni and 112Sn+58Ni reactions at 35 AMeV 2012
M. D. Voskresenskaya, S. Typel arXiv:1201.1078 Constraining mean-field models of the nuclear matter equation of state at low densities 2012
W. Trautmann, H. H. Wolter arXiv:1205.2585 Elliptic flow and the symmetry energy at supra-saturation density 2012
Gautam et al. Transverse flow
M. Liu Uses nuclear mass data
Le Fevre Isospin Scaling
Liu Nucl. symmetry energy from nuclear masses
Xu SE from optical potentials
Chaudhury Science Direct Effect of secondary decay on isoscaling
Friedman & Lynch particle emission
Centelles et al. neutron skin thickness
Chen, Z multifragmentation
Feng, Z-Q Physics Letters B 707, 83 (2012} Isospin ratios
Baran et al. arXiv:1111.6504 Pigmy dipole resonance
Sagert arXiv:1111.6058 Soft EOS from heavy-ion data and implications for compact stars
Bao-Jun Cai Nuclear matter fourth-order symmetry energy in nonlinear relativistic mean field models
Usmani Nuclear matter properties, phenomenological theory of clustering at the nuclear surface, and symmetry energy
Gagnon-Moisan New isospin effects in central heavy-ion collisions at Fermi energies

More complete list of References:

meetings/symjournals13.1360773478.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/02/13 11:37 by barneyj