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Welcome to the WGV Group Logbook

Group Members:

  • Panagiotis Gastis
  • Nicole Vassh
  • Donald Willcox


Our group's aim is to model the solar wind between the sun and earth in sufficient detail to simulate the effects of an incident supernova blast wave. We will explore distance to the supernova and its energy to determine under what conditions the solar wind adequately shields the Earth from the blast wave.

Getting our Source Code:

Logbook Entries:

(June 1-2, 2014) Detailed Installation Steps for Parallel VH-1 and Required Libraries

  • Successfully setup the parallel version of VH-1 using the mpich implementation of the message-passing interface and the netcdf libraries. The linked page provides details on installing the required netcdf libraries to get parallel VH-1 working.

(June 1-2, 2014) Configuring python and yt to work with NetCDF files

  • yt is really useful for visualizing data from hydrodynamics codes in a python environment. However, I encountered errors with yt reading the netcdf files properly from VH-1. Here are steps for configuring a yt distribution for working with NetCDF and for extracting data from NetCDF in python even without yt!

(June 3-4, 2014) We've successfully implemented the solar wind and supernova blast wave in VH-1 for parameter exploration. Meanwhile we're working on the 2D parallel implementation.

(June 5, 2014) We have a 2D cylindrical solar wind + blast wave simulation.

(June 6, 2014) Our Presentation!


wgv.txt · Last modified: 2014/06/06 11:23 by willcox