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r-process es su-process, s-process is our-process:

Members: Ali (analysis), Matt (code), Rob (parameters)

Project: Nuke Network:: “Simulate the s-process under AGB conditions. Compare to solar system abundances and presolar grains. How does the result depend on initial composition? How good is the waiting point approximation?”

Alternate network simulation.


Data (link to Document Server)
The realout files contain mass fractions corresponding to atomic numbers beginning with Helium
Results (link to Document Server)
Code Revisions
Useful Links


May 30
Big questions:
How do we simulate AGB environment in network code?

  1. abundances of nuclei?
  2. density, temp, pressure?
  3. mass?

What are we going to include in the network?

  1. take the entire chart of stable nuclides, and include “padding” on the neutron-rich side

June 2
Big questions:

  1. Overall goals: explore how metallicity changes the progression of the s-process
  2. Plan of attack:
    1. edit sunet & run through the reducereaclib
    2. run constant T calculation to validate appropriate network inputs and to debug
    3. edit th_input to reflect AGB environment
  3. Code additions/modifications:
    1. th_input
    2. sunet (all stable & some nuetron-rich)
    3. eos selection (Bahcall is default - recompile for Helmholtz)
    4. match.f90 (only relevant for MPI?)
    5. matrix solver (backward Euler?)
  4. Most useful visualizations:
    1. abundances video?
    2. comparison abundances to e.g. s-process abundance chart.

June 3
-Successful implementation of the PARDISO sparse matrix solver into the Xnet code.
-Reaction network run through reaclib & reaction rates obtained.

June 4
-Test runs to check inputs
-Started creating presentation
-Created visualization of network

r-process_es_su-process_s-process_is_our-process.txt · Last modified: 2014/06/06 16:31 by dreyfuss