Since VH-1 does the setup of the problem in the main code, I wanted to have a way to have several different problems set up at the same time inside one source folder. My solution is as follows, let me know if you have a better way to do this. — Alex B.
make link
to create a symlink of this file to vhone.f90 before compiling.make
. This will create the file vh1-starter-<problemname> in the main directory.make run
to let it cd into the appropriate directory and run the newly compiled file, thus eliminating the need to cd between the two directories all the time.Here is the modified makefile I use for the starter version, it can easily be adapted to the serial version, although one might find that files other than vhone.f90 differ from problem to problem:
#name of the problem PROBLEM = insertnameofproblemhere # Specify search path for subroutines that perform 1D ppmlr hydrodynamics VPATH = ../PPMLR # # System-dependent parameters # # F90 FORTRAN 90 Compiler # LDR Program to load the objects into an executable, typically the same as F90 # LDFLAGS Flags to pass to the compiler during linking # LIBS A list of libraries to link with the executable, normally only netCDF # # the following is set for gfortran compiler # F90 = gfortran FFLAGS = -c LDR= gfortran LDRFLAGS= LIBS= # # # List of objects to build multidimensional VH-1 hydro code: VHOBJS = vh1mods.o vhone.o \ ppmlr.o forces.o flatten.o evolve.o remap.o \ states.o boundary.o volume.o riemann.o parabola.o # Lines from here on down should not need to be changed. They are the # actual rules which make uses to build the executable # .SUFFIXES: .f90 .o .f90.o: $(F90) $(FFLAGS) $< vhzero: $(VHOBJS) $(LDR) $(LDRFLAGS) -o vh1-starter $(VHOBJS) $(LIBS); mv vh1-starter ../../vh1-starter-$(PROBLEM) # # clean: rm -f *.o *.l clobber: clean rm -f ../../vh1-starter-$(PROBLEM) rm -f *.mod link: ln -sf vhone_$(PROBLEM).f90 vhone.f90 run: cd ../../; ./vh1-starter-$(PROBLEM) # Dependencies for the object files vhone.o: vhone.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod evolve.o: evolve.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod flatten.o: flatten.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod forces.o: forces.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod ppmlr.o: ppmlr.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod remap.o: remap.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod states.o: states.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod boundary.o: boundary.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod volume.o: volume.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod parabola.o: parabola.f90 sweepsize.mod riemann.o: riemann.f90 sweepsize.mod