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Hydrodynamics Code

We will be using the VH-1 code for our hydrodynamic simulations.

Please visit the VH-1 webpage to download and explore the documentation. The VH1 User’s Guide for the serial version is hidden at VH1 User's Guide.

A small note on enabling NetCDF support on Ubuntu

Log your success with machine information in the Discussion below.

Hydrodynamics Code Discussion

Fei Yuan, 2014/05/16 15:59

Compiled successfully on Arch Linux 3.14 with gfortran 4.9.

Tony Ahn, 2014/05/16 17:33

Running on my Cygwin_NT 6.1 with gfortran 4.5.3.

JIanping Lai, 2014/05/18 13:51

Compiled and run successfully on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with ifort 2013

Kaitlin Cook, 2014/05/18 20:48

Compiled and running on Mac OS X 10.9.2 with gfortran 4.8.0

Heiko Moeller, 2014/05/19 08:33

Compiled and ran successfully on Mint 16 and gfortran version 4.8.1

Alexander Bartl, 2014/05/19 10:17

Compiled and ran without any issues on Kubuntu 14.04, gfortran 4.8.2.

Raditya Utama, 2014/05/19 16:38

Compiled and ran on Mac OS X 10.8.5 and gfortran 4.8

Alison Dreyfuss, 2014/05/20 17:21

Compiled and ran on Mac OS 10.9.3 and gfortran 4.9.0

Nathan Parzuchowski, 2014/05/22 14:47

Compiled and ran on Ubuntu 13.04 with gfortran.

Adam B Jones, 2014/05/23 10:28

Success with: ubuntu 14.04 lts gcc version 4.8.2

Robert Almus, 2014/05/23 14:31

Compiled and ran on Ubuntu 12.04 with gcc 4.6.3

Sherwood Richers, 2014/05/27 18:52

success! fresh version of Xubuntu 14.04 (gcc version 4.8.2)

letz, 2016/05/02 17:32

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hydrocode.txt · Last modified: 2014/06/02 21:26 by bartl