started familiarizing with BBN code and researching required inputs
Tuesday, June 10
wrote wrapper script enabling us to vary some of the constants like neutron and proton mass, gravitational constant, Hubble parameter etc.
ran calculations of BBN dependence on grav. constant; H0 seems to be unused by the code, so varying it does not lead anywhere.
varying $\Lambda_{QCD}$ and the neutron magnetic moment both incluence the deuteron formation rate $p(n,\gamma)d$. Hence we rewrote this rate with parameters in the bigbang.f90 code and wrote a wrapper script which reads in a table with sets of parameters and calculates the BBN composition
started figuring out how the proton-neutron mass splitting and the deuteron properties depend on our input parameters
fixed several bugs in the code, continued familiarizing ourselves with Fortran and the BBN code
Wednesday, June 11
produced plots of BBN abundance as function of grav. constant
tried to calculate and fit the $p(n,\gamma)d$ rate to use as input; partially succeeded
Thursday, June 12
produced data and plots for BBN abundance as function of $\Lambda_{QCD}$ and $\mu_n$
also looked at the individual effects of $\Lambda_{QCD}$ on the actual inputs to the BBN calculation (neutron-proton mass splitting, neutron life time, deuteron energy, $p(n,\gamma)d$ rate) and identified the life time effect as the main effect driving the change in the 4He abundance.