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For Mounting E (not DE)

See photos in \projects\hira\07037\Photos\replacing Si E det

Procedure for mounting DE

Before you start, please be aware of the following:

  1. Work in a clean environment, Si detectors are susceptible to dusts.
  2. Get all the tools ready before start
  3. Wear gloves when handling the detectors
  4. The DE detector costs $8000 each and may take a year or more to get it.
  5. Make sure the pin source frame fit into the slot after the DE detector is mounted.
  6. Try to protect the exposed Si surface. Do not work with small tools near the exposed Si detectors
  7. Clean everything with ethanol and wait for the parts to dry before using.

Procedure for mounting of a dE that has an E already in it:

The yellow tape indicate the foil frame being “taped” on the side. Note: side 2 has “pin source frame slot”.

  1. Remove the plate on the top side of the can (side 1 or 4??)
  2. Stand the telescope up, so the Silicon/foil will be facing upward, remove the cover and remove the foil. (Note that you can use the “mounting platform” for stability, not pictured.)
  3. Unscrew the E screws from Side 2
  4. Unscrew Sides 3 and 4 from the Frame
  5. Remove side 4
  6. Remove sides 1 & 2 at the same time with the foil frame still attached (Side 3 should still be in place). Make certain to pull back immediately so as not to contact the E’s wirebond.
  7. Place the Pin Source frame on the E with the gap towards Side 2 and have a thinner, carved out side toward Side 1.
  8. Place the dE on the Pin Source Frame with the wirebonds toward Side 1
  9. Replace Sides 1 & 2
  10. Screw the foil frame, the E’s and the dE’s into Side 3
  11. Replace Side 4 and screw into the foil frame
  12. Replace Side 2 and screw the E’s, dE’s and foil frame in
  13. Replace the foil and cover the can
  14. Replace the upper plate (left arrow in picture in Step 1)
  15. Plug in dE cable to open connector at the bottom of the can. Be careful not to torque the cable as it can rip
  16. Replace the other plate (right arrow in picture in Step 1)
  17. Make sure a pin source frame can slide in and out easily.
  18. Protect the telescope with a cover. (If possible use the cover with two sides out and two sides in) and tape across the side with the CsI cooling bar and the opposite side. This is to make sure we can remove the cover when the telescopes are mounted in tower configuration.
procedures/mountsi/mount_si_detectors.txt · Last modified: 2012/10/03 09:01 by rhodges