List of tasks to do after the experiments with HiRA (e10001,e11001,e10011)
Before packing HiRA equipment
HiRA preamps
bias cables - verify that they have all working channels and fix if necessary
verify the problem with readout when pulsing 14 PAs at the same time
have a complete inventory of HiRA Si detectors including the number of bad strips and decide where to fix them (John Yurkon vs Micron)
Packing of HiRA stuff
Decide where to store CAEN HV power supply and chiller
pack all the equipment that is only used in experiments in s2 vault together
pack the cables and equipment that is used in any HiRA experiment separately
Take pictures, move items to storage or lab space
Dismantle and pack PA setup
Return epool electronics used in the experiment
Return epool electronics that is in the HiRA cabinet
Remove electronics racks and move to HiRA lab
Inside chamber
Remove detectors
Pack up cables, mount, TC boxes, etc.
Buy new camera
Remove chamber (Dave Sanderson)