Meeting Minutes March 23, 2012
Mike, Bec, Rachel, Zibi, Bill, Dan, Jack, Betty
March Madness
Group Business
Lab 127 available, but some stuff still in there and some changes not yet made: need pump exhaust pipes, sink, flammables cabinet… We won't move in until it's really ready
TPC top plate coming in, will need to test the voltage–use miniball display case for safety
Next week: Dan's practice talk
No updates on Lee's schedule
Mike: writing his paper, committee meeting this afternoon
Dan: Neutron wall GEANT 4 simulation for Mike F. Starting to work on it. Also, looking at shadow bar mounts on spectra: the legs shadow neutrons
Bec: PID offset in DE's for exp 06035. Examined punch-in and punch-through points, E is fine. DE has problems. Fit to energy? Will check out thickness.
Rachel: Considering a switch to HiRA structure for files, from Mike's structure. We'll discuss at the Wednesday Analysis Meeting
Jack: Efficiency program working with Mike's data, another version for Rachel's points.
Zibi: Looking at Y, DR for (n/p) and (t/3He) in Ca data vs. pBUU vs. ImQMD. Different trends in each as vary Ecm and impact parameters