e10001: Tasks:
Resurrect HiRA test setup (Juan, Jake, Zbigniew)
Development of the NSCL DAQ software for upcoming experiments with HiRA - work order: RC100609.11720.W01576 (Ron Fox)
Upgrade the HiRA readout to ringbuffer (Juan, Zbigniew)
New 2-gain boards (Jake, Bill, Zbigniew)
New CsI cables (Jake, Bill, Zbigniew, Mike)
Assemble 3 new HiRA telescopes (Juan)
Modification of the drawings of HiRA PA box for an upcoming experiment - work order: RC100609.11720.W01613
To-do list based on the meeting on Tue (12/27)
Where can the Caesar stand be made?
HiRA Si cables
we need 2×14 cables
who should make those cables and should they be shielded?
we could reuse HiRA dE cables (that should be long enough) but we have only 20 so we should make more. Those cables are schielded. PLEASE ANSWER
New CsI cables. - NSCL is going to make them
How many detectors are you going to run with 2-gain setup? PLEASE ANSWER
New 2-gain boards - WashU is going to make new boards. Did they test them? PLEASE ANSWER
preamps; WashU brings own preamps and figures out how to cable them and put the setup together. PLEASE CONFIRM
Can we run 12 CBs in one
MB? NSCL is going to test it. The Sparky should be able to handle 12 CBs w/o si detectors but the issue is whether it can handle the setup of 12 CBs connected to the si detectors. In the past we could run up to 11-12 CBs in the
MB with Jon's power supply but we couldn't run more than 9 CBs when the si detectors were connected.
Related to 2.f. If we need to use 4 MBs then WashU should make new flange.
Put HiRA racks back to old configuration. - NSCL responsibility
Request VME/USB for Epool.
The issue is that there is no single vm-usb module in NSCL epool. Ron has one that he uses for software development and Dirk has one that belongs to gamma group. It's possible that WashU will have to bring their VM-USB module to NSCL to run the experiment. PLEASE, LET US KNOW IF YOU CAN'T BRING YOUR MODULE
How are we going to run HiRA Si (in terms of VME modules)?
How many modules and what type are going to be brought by WashU (XLM with 2 lvds? XLM with 1lvds and 4fadc?)
How many XLM modules do you need from NSCL? We have to make sure we have backup modules.
We don't have a single XLM (1lvds, 4adc) at NSCL. Can Ron develop his code without this module? PLEASE, RESPOND
HiRA test setup available for Ron - Should be ready this week - NSCL responsibility
Check that we have working Pico systems. - NSCL
Confirm that we have straight pulser through to Csi PA’s - NSCL
Are we going to use CSI discriminator in PICO? PLEASE CONFIRM
Remove dE silicon detectors?
PLEASE, MAKE A CASE WHY WE SHOULD DO IT. Aren't we going to have calibration beam?
NSCL is going to revisit the procedures of removing and mounting the dE detectors.
Use part of existing setup, but use VME qdc’s
Setting up and testing - 100% WashU responsibility. PLEASE CONFIRM
Our previous experience with VME QDCs shows that it helps to AC couple. Jack is going to send you the description of the setup we used previously so you can decide if you want to use it.
Are CAESAR cables long enough so they can reach VME QDCs? Do we need the cable extensions?
Beam blocker drawings
Zibi talked to Craig on Tuesday. It seems like there is enough room to retract the blocker from the beam so it doesn't shadow the HiRA. We should be also able to rotate the beam blocker- the source is going to be mounted on the side of the beam blocker. Craig took the measurements of the alpha source to fit it in his drawings. We should get the drawings soon.
experiments_e10001.txt · Last modified: 2013/05/05 18:08 by chajecki