Meeting Minutes April 20, 2012
Zibi, Dan, Rachel, Mike, Suwat, Bec, Jon B, Jack, Bill
Group Business
Lab Move
Paul Z out today, wall connections are done, Zibi will look over them with Paul on Monday
Will not yet have eyewash station, so will move electronics racks and chambers and not put much on the left-hand side at first
Probably moving next week?
Will be doing STAR FEE testing next week, would like to use the new lab space
Dan: GEANT code from Mike F, strange (not smooth) efficiency in neutron wall bars as a function of E.
Talked to MONA, recommended Menate_R… smooth efficiency curve!
Mike: Examining the geometric LASSA efficiencies, irregularities
Compare efficiency between Sn beams, energies, just protons, all particles… all curves different, mostly not smooth (would expect taking a ratio to make a smooth curve by cancelling out effects)
Bec has been working on TPC
Zibi: looking at pBUU calculations for Ca+Ca collisions with a stiff EOS
boosting the deuteron cross section by 4, does not change t, 3He significantly but influences p,n