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Meeting Minutes April 6, 2012


Betty, Dan, Jack, Suqat, Bec, Mike, Rachel, Zibi, Bill

Group Business

  • New undergrads: Michael and Ed, one doing analysis work the other working on TPC
  • Lee's experiment is tentatively scheduled for the fall
  • Lab Move: moving schedule is pushed back a little more. Waiting on working of the pipes, exhaust, water, etc
  • Japan experiment in the fall? Possibly.
  • Betty will be gone next week until May.
  • Bill gone for a week at end of April
  • Discussed some upcoming guest presentations at group meeting: Jun (pions) and Zach (experiment proposal)


  • Dan: looking at proton veto efficiencies. Varies depending on the particle? Tritons and punchthrough particles are over-corrected, protons and under-corrected, deuterons are about right.
  • Mike: Tuesday sent pBUU paper draft to Bill. Will talk about it at group meeting next week? Working on position of hits, smearing across a narrow range.
  • Rachel: summary of work on Mike Famiano's experiment. Dan suggests checking the proton veto efficiency like he just showed.
apr062012.txt · Last modified: 2012/04/06 16:04 by rhodges