Switch ON the VME crate with the trigger board
wait 2 minutes
Switch ON all the VME crates of the digitizers
wait for green stable lights on the digitizers front panel (~ 2 minutes)
cd scripts
For every digitizer timestamp error reported identify the IOC failing dividing the digitizer number by 4 and adding 1 and (the following example works for IOC#12):
ssh gsoper:7012@
push <enter> again
if you get a prompt like this vme12→
wait that the procedure end (~ 2 minutes)
exit from the IOC control by pushing ~. (tilde dot)
Iterate the previous procedure till ./CheckTS4.sh reports that all the timestamps of the digitizers are OK
cd 11-1/gretClust/bin/linux-x86
@gretina command line window:
@gretina command line window:
@gretina DAQ top level
push cluster
push scripts
@gretina RUN control