====== EXERCISES ======
**[[RXNnetworkEX|Reaction Networks]]**, **[[NuclPhysInput|Nucl Physics Input]]**, **[[HydroEX|Hydro]]**, **[[BBNEX|BBN]]**
==== Hydrodynamic Exercises ====
**Run a hydrodynamic code for:**
- Read the [[http://astro.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/VH-1/bproblems.php|Problems & Solutions]] guide.
- Set up and run the [[http://astro.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/VH-1/bproblems.php#stb|Sedov Blast]] problem.
- Set up and run the [[http://astro.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/VH-1/bproblems.php#bnd|Bondi Accretion]] problem.
You can also try:
- Gravitational collapse of:
* Uniformly distributed “star” (P(initial) = 0)
* Simple density profile (P(initial) = 0)
* Are there self-similar solutions?
- Energy injection into gas clump of:
* uniformly distributed mass
* simple density profile $\rho(r) = \rho(0)[1-(r/R)^2]^n $
* How does the evolution change with different injection energies
- Drive a piston through some medium
* Piston in a cylinder
* Spherical piston driving outwards
* Spherical piston driving inwards
* How does the outward driven spherical piston compare to the energy injection?
**Download, compile and run the Hydrodynamics Code**
- Download the VH1.0 [[hydrocode|Hydrodynamics Code]].
- Compile the code with your fortran90 compiler.
- Report in the Hydrodynamics Code discussion thread your success with machine information.
- Read the [[http://astro.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/VH-1/bquick.php|Quick Start]] guide.
- Run the shock tube problem set up for beginners.
- Plot and compare your results to the expected solution.
- Read the [[http://astro.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/VH-1/bguide.php|Inside the code]] guide.
- The VH1 User’s Guide for the serial version is hidden at [[http://astro.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/VH-1/sintro.php|VH1 User's Guide]].
~~DISCUSSION|Hydrodynamic Exercises Discussion~~