E17023:\\ Most precise 23Al half-life.\\ 23Al(βγ)23Mg: 48 γ rays; 22 excited states of 23Mg.\\ 23Al(βp)22Na: 6 protons; Ep = 898 keV observed for the first time.\\ 12 high-energy previously-known protons for normalization.\\ 23Al(βpγ)22Na: 2 p-γ coincidences observed for the first time; 2 excited states of 22Na.\\ 19 bound states and 19 unbound states in 23Mg.\\ 20 states of 23Mg decay by γ only.\\ 16 states of 23Mg decay by proton only.\\ 2 23Mg states at 7787 and 7856 keV decay by both proton and γ.\\ {{ ::fig1.zip |}}\\ {{ ::input_2025go00_22na.xlsx |}}\\ {{ ::input_2025go00_23mg.xlsx |}}\\ {{ ::glsc_combined_2025go00_23mg.pdf |}}\\ {{ ::logft_2025go00_23mg.pdf |}}\\ {{ ::java_gtol_2025go00_22na.pdf |}}\\ {{ ::e17023_nd.pptx |}}\\ E17024:\\ {{ :31cl_e17024_prc_draft.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::input_2025bu00_30p.xlsx |}}\\ {{ ::input_2025bu00_31s.xlsx |}}\\ {{ ::output_2025bu00_30p.pdf |}}\\ {{ :logft_2025bu00_31s.pdf |}}\\