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start [2024/01/26 12:31]
douglas [Analysis Softwares]
start [2024/07/09 14:48] (current)
sanchez [FRIB Day One]
Line 39: Line 39:
   * [[plunger:​Geometry|Geometry and Drawings]]   * [[plunger:​Geometry|Geometry and Drawings]]
   * [[plunger:​Materials|Materials]]   * [[plunger:​Materials|Materials]]
 +  * [[plunger:​Lab Bench|Lab Bench]]
   * [[plunger:​Experiments|Experimental Logs]]   * [[plunger:​Experiments|Experimental Logs]]
   * [[plunger:​Pictures|Pictures]]   * [[plunger:​Pictures|Pictures]]
Line 44: Line 45:
 ====== FRIB Day One ====== ====== FRIB Day One ======
   * [[frib:LISE Calculations]]   * [[frib:LISE Calculations]]
 +====== TEST ======
 +  * [[test:TEST PAGE]]
 ====== Dev Corner ====== ====== Dev Corner ======

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