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procedures:cfoils:carbon_foils [2010/06/28 11:34]
procedures:cfoils:carbon_foils [2014/12/05 12:41] (current)
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 //Note: Remember, carbon foils are extremely delicate. Handle carefully in every step, the foils tear easily.// //Note: Remember, carbon foils are extremely delicate. Handle carefully in every step, the foils tear easily.//
-=== I.     Baking===+=== I.     Baking (optional step, only needed if there are problems with the foils)===
 Prewarm the oven to 200 C.  Check the temperature with a thermometer –there is a digital one in the Detector Lab that can be borrowed, ask John Yurkon.  Place the slide on the grate, with the carbon foil facing up. The slide has a sticker on the other side.  Allow the foil to bake for 30 minutes, or more. Prewarm the oven to 200 C.  Check the temperature with a thermometer –there is a digital one in the Detector Lab that can be borrowed, ask John Yurkon.  Place the slide on the grate, with the carbon foil facing up. The slide has a sticker on the other side.  Allow the foil to bake for 30 minutes, or more.
 Figure 1. Oven used in June 2010, belonging to Betty. Figure 1. Oven used in June 2010, belonging to Betty.
 Figure 2. Close up of carbon foils on grate, foil side up.  Figure 2. Close up of carbon foils on grate, foil side up. 
-Picture2 002.jpg+ 
 When done, turn off the oven and open the door to allow the foils to cool. Slides will be hot! Do not move them until they have cooled. There may be some discoloration or textural changes after baking – this is normal. When done, turn off the oven and open the door to allow the foils to cool. Slides will be hot! Do not move them until they have cooled. There may be some discoloration or textural changes after baking – this is normal.
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 ===II.     Cutting=== ===II.     Cutting===
-The edges of the carbon are the points most likely to crack, and harder to float.  We need to trim the edges with a scalpel, or other precise blade.  Hold the plate firmly in one hand while cutting it.  Apply pressure to break through the carbon foil cleanly to the glass slide. Cut in a straight line; zigs are likely to tear.  It is easiest to cut in a smooth motion.  Trim off as narrow a strip as possible, leaving plenty of room to cover the oval aperture and enough room on one of the short sides to be held by the clamp.+The edges of the carbon are the points most likely to crack, and harder to float.  We need to prepare the edges with a scalpel, or other precise blade.  Hold the plate firmly in one hand and run the blade along the long edges of slide, applying pressure to the side where the foil meets the slide to help separate them.  You should see a slight bubbling effect along the scraped edges. 
 +Where the foil will be held by the clamp, a small amount will have to be cut off.  Using a straight edge, cover the area of the foil that has to be removed.  Run the blade along the straight edge, applying pressure to break through the carbon foil cleanly to the glass slide.  Trim off as narrow a strip as possible, leaving plenty of room to cover the oval aperture and enough room on one of the short sides to be held by the clamp. 
 Figure 3. Cut foil with scalpel.  Figure 3. Cut foil with scalpel. 
-Picture2 006.jpg 
-Figure 4. Carbon foil after cutting. Lines can be seen close to the edges of the foil. + 
-Picture2 005.jpg +{{:procedures:cfoils:picture2_006.jpg|}} 
 +Figure 4. Carbon foil after cutting. Lines can be seen close to the edges of the foil.  
 +*Note: This is a photo of a foil in 2010.  As of 2014, only one cut was made to the foil. 
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   * Lab jack   * Lab jack
   * Tub filled with deionized water (DI water; found in the Detector Lab), deep enough to submerge a vertical MCP frame, leaving about an inch of room from the top.   * Tub filled with deionized water (DI water; found in the Detector Lab), deep enough to submerge a vertical MCP frame, leaving about an inch of room from the top.
-  * Ringstand: See Figure 5.  Attach a clamp that can hold the slide at a shallow angle (~20⁰) with clearance over the side of the tub.  To get the angle, we needed to use two right-angle clamps in succession.  The final one held burette clamp”, with the jaws covered in electrical tape, so as to allow the clamp to hold the slide firmly and not damage it.  +  * Ringstand: See Figure 5.  Attach a clamp that can hold the slide at a shallow angle (~20⁰) with clearance over the side of the tub.  To get the angle, borrow adjustable angle clamps from John Yurkon.  You can use a burette clamp wrapped in electrical tape or a three pronged clamp to hold the slide.   Allow the clamp to hold the slide firmly and not damage it.   
-  * Tweezers with a good grip. I found it best to use the scissors-style tweezers with lock feature—but do not lock the tweezers! The impact of unlocking can break the carbon foil+  * Tweezers with a good grip. If possible, use the scissors-style tweezers with lock feature—but do not lock the tweezers! The impact of unlocking can break the carbon foil
   * Box of Kimwipes or other gentle tissues for drying.   * Box of Kimwipes or other gentle tissues for drying.
 Figure 5. Ringstand with clamp held over the tub of DI water Figure 5. Ringstand with clamp held over the tub of DI water
-Picture 354.jpg+ 
 Center the tub of DI water on the lab jack at lowest height. Secure the slide in the clamp without covering the cut line.  Adjust the pitch of the slide so the leading edge is parallel to the surface of the water. Adjust the height so the slide is about an inch over the surface of the water, this should be enough room to make adjustments and not splash the carbon foil.  Check that the clamp extends far enough over the edge of the tub that the foil can be fully lowered into the water. Center the tub of DI water on the lab jack at lowest height. Secure the slide in the clamp without covering the cut line.  Adjust the pitch of the slide so the leading edge is parallel to the surface of the water. Adjust the height so the slide is about an inch over the surface of the water, this should be enough room to make adjustments and not splash the carbon foil.  Check that the clamp extends far enough over the edge of the tub that the foil can be fully lowered into the water.
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 Raise the lab jack slowly to bring the water level up to meet the bottom of the slide. When the two first meet, stop and proceed extremely slowly.  Raise the lab jack slowly to bring the water level up to meet the bottom of the slide. When the two first meet, stop and proceed extremely slowly. 
-Figure 6. Raise the lab jack slowly.  Our tub was too heavy and required two people for the initial lifting. +Figure 6. Raise the lab jack slowly.  Our tub was too heavy and required two people for the initial lifting. To make this easier, adjust the jack to a height where it is easy to fit your hand in the space between the table and tub, before placing the tub on the jack.  Adjust the ringstand set-up to match.
-Picture 355 b.jpg+
-Adjust the jack so the water just barely spills over the lip onto the slide.  Allow the water to creep across the slide. Do not touch the jack before the water stops moving.  You may need to raise the jack slightly to allow the water to get all the way across the edge of the slide.  Floating this leading edge is the most critical step. Do not rush the process.+{{:procedures:cfoils:raise_tub_crop.jpg|}} 
 +Adjust the jack so the water just barely spills over onto the slide.  Allow the water to creep across the slide. Do not touch the jack before the water stops moving.  If the water is not going across a small part of the slide, you may insert the tip of the tweezers gently into the water near (not touching) the area of issue to break water tension.  You may need to raise the jack slightly to allow the water to get all the way across the edge of the slide.  Floating this leading edge is the most critical step. Do not rush the process
 +After the water has broken the front of the slide, slowly raise the jack.  The front edge of the carbon will lift, check to see that it is floating on the surface before proceeding. 
 +Continue to raise the lab jack slowly, allow the water to seep between the foil and the slide.  Small wrinkles will appear as the water branches out.  Try to avoid sudden starts or stops in movement of the jack, it may cause tearing of the foil. Watch the long edges of the carbon foil for tears as you progress up the slide. Continue to raise the lab jack until the carbon foil detaches from the slide.  A successful float will look like Figure 6.
-The trimmed edge will float up first, and may break off into pieces. The front edge of the carbon will lift next, check to see that it is floating on the surface before proceeding. 
-Continue to raise the lab jack slowly, pausing to allow the water to seep between the foil and the frame.  Small wrinkles will appear as the water branches out. Watch the long edges of the carbon foil for tears as you progress up the slide. Continue to raise the lab jack until the carbon foil detaches from the slide. A successful float will look like Figure 7. 
 Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting:
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 Figure 7. The whole carbon foil is floating on the surface of the water, but has not yet detached from the top of the slide. Figure 7. The whole carbon foil is floating on the surface of the water, but has not yet detached from the top of the slide.
-Picture 356.jpg+ 
 When the foil detaches from the slide, blow gently onto the surface of the water to push the carbon away from the slide. Do not blow directly onto the foil, it may break.  When the foil detaches from the slide, blow gently onto the surface of the water to push the carbon away from the slide. Do not blow directly onto the foil, it may break. 
-The slide is difficult to see in the water.  When possible, move the clamp and empty slide to the side of the tub, or remove them.  Be careful not to drop water onto or near the foil when removing the slide.+ 
 +The slide is difficult to see in the water.  When possible, move the clamp and empty slide to the side of the tub, or remove them.  Be careful not to drop water onto or near the foil when removing the slide.  Alternatively, gently release the slide from the clamp, and allow it to sink to the bottom of the tub.  The clamp can then be moved out of the way.
 === V.     Deposit onto Mylar Frame=== === V.     Deposit onto Mylar Frame===
-First practice moving the MCP frame in the water away from the carbon foil.  Hold the frame by the corner with the tweezers, with the Aluminized side towards yourself, the side where the carbon will be deposited.  Lift the frame straight up in the water, slowly—you should see a thin film of water across the oval aperture. This is good practice for lifiting the carbon foil.  We want to balance the surface tension on the Carbon so it will not break.+First practice moving the MCP frame in the water away from the carbon foil.  Hold the frame by the corner with the tweezers, with the Aluminized side towards yourself, the side where the carbon will be deposited.  Lift the frame straight up in the water, slowly—you should see a thin film of water across the oval aperture. This is good practice for lifiting the carbon foil.  We want to balance the surface tension on the Carbon so it will not break.  If the water breaks into beads, the pull is too slow.
 Figure 8. Practice raising the frame in the water.  Figure 8. Practice raising the frame in the water. 
-Picture 358.jpg+ 
 Figure 9. Approach the carbon foil with the frame fully submerged.  Align the edge of the foil with the top of the frame. Figure 9. Approach the carbon foil with the frame fully submerged.  Align the edge of the foil with the top of the frame.
-Picture 359.jpg+ 
 When ready to lift the carbon, position the submerged frame underneath the carbon foil, so the short edge of the carbon foil lines up with the top edge of the frame.  Raise the frame to just underneath the carbon.  You want to catch the short edge of the carbon on the lip of the frame, this provides an anchor for the foil.  The two edges should be parallel, and the carbon centered on the frame.  When ready to lift the carbon, position the submerged frame underneath the carbon foil, so the short edge of the carbon foil lines up with the top edge of the frame.  Raise the frame to just underneath the carbon.  You want to catch the short edge of the carbon on the lip of the frame, this provides an anchor for the foil.  The two edges should be parallel, and the carbon centered on the frame. 
-Slowly and evenly, raise the frame and allow the carbon to drape over the aperture.  Try not to make any sudden starts or stops in the raising motion.  The carbon needs to cover the aperture entirely.  If it does not, lower the foil back into water the same way (vertically, smoothly, by slow increments) and try again.+In an even motion, raise the frame and allow the carbon to drape over the aperture.  Do not move the slide laterally, it will rip the carbon foil.  Try not to make any sudden starts or stops in the raising motion.  The carbon needs to cover the aperture entirely.  If it does not, lower the foil back into water the same way (vertically, smoothly) and try again
 +Carefully dry the edges of the frame by dabbing with a Kimwipe.  Be sure to dry the edges where water catches. Do not apply pressure to the carbon foil or the mylar.  Set inside a frame container upright, and allow to dry in air completely before using. Mark the frame with the carbon foil thickness when dry.
-Carefully dry the edges of the frame with a Kimwipe. Do not apply pressure to the carbon foil or the mylar.  Set inside a frame container upright, and allow to dry in air completely before using. Mark the frame with the carbon foil thickness when dry. 
 Figure 10. Completed frame. Dry edges with Kimwipe. Figure 10. Completed frame. Dry edges with Kimwipe.
-Picture 360.jpg+ 
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procedures/cfoils/carbon_foils.1277739250.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/06/28 11:34 by rhodges