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fillsystem:lnerror [2020/06/23 09:52]
fillsystem:lnerror [2020/06/27 08:04] (current)
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 +  * 6/26/20 Q9 one det PT100 suddenly increased by ~3K and recovered by itself after a few minutes {{:​fillsystem:​det9_pt100_temperature_plot.png?​400|}}
   * 6/23/20 Q9 one det PT100 suddenly increased by <1.5K and recovered on its own {{ :​fillsystem:​det9_pt100.png?​linkonly |}}   * 6/23/20 Q9 one det PT100 suddenly increased by <1.5K and recovered on its own {{ :​fillsystem:​det9_pt100.png?​linkonly |}}
   * 6/10/20 Q7 one det PT100 suddenly increased ~4K, then stayed there for a few hours after which it recovered on its own.{{:​fillsystem:​plot_2020_06_10_16-02.png?​linkonly|}} ​   * 6/10/20 Q7 one det PT100 suddenly increased ~4K, then stayed there for a few hours after which it recovered on its own.{{:​fillsystem:​plot_2020_06_10_16-02.png?​linkonly|}} ​

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