Thanks for the DNP help, it went smoothly and there were many appreciative comments. There were 749 attendees, which makes it the 4th largest DNP meeting, missing third by just three people.
The first floor of the new wing will not be available before December 14th, and likely not until the new year.
There has been an increase in conference rooms reserved for homework and study sessions. This hasn't been a problem yet, but please don't make recurring reservations. In addition, if someone needs to use the room, please be courteous and help them out. This is particularly likely in the FRIB conference room on the 2nd floor or the Executive conference room.
Support and participation in WAMPS has been low. Please Contact Mandie and get involved. Particularly with recruiting season coming up, having an active WAMPS membership is important to attract the women and minority applicants we want.
It still isn't obvious when Day 1 of the Great Office Move will be. Will send out an email when it happens.
Update Nov 16th: The first phase of the move has taken longer than expected, and grad students won't be moving until after Thanksgiving. The goal is still to have everyone moved by the end of the calender year.
Pizza Lunch with Daryl Hartley this Wednesday, Nov 16th.
I'm going to start scheduling speakers for next semester. Contact me if you're interested or want first choice of dates.