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 ====== FRIB Graduate Student Wiki ====== ====== FRIB Graduate Student Wiki ======
-Welcome to the FRIB Graduate Student Wiki! This page exists to provide information and resources to graduate students studying physics, chemistry and engineering at the FRIB. If you would like to suggest other things to put here, or if you'd like to contribute to the wiki, email Joe Dopfer at [[]].+Welcome to the FRIB Graduate Student Wiki! This page exists to provide information and resources to graduate students studying physics, chemistry and engineering at the FRIB. If you would like to suggest other things to put here, or if you'd like to contribute to the wiki, email the [[people:​people|webmaster]].
-For general information about the graduate program and working in the lab, check out the {{:resources:gradhandbookJan20.pdf|NSCL ​Graduate Student ​Handbook}}.+For general information about the graduate program and working in the lab, check out the {{resources:​gradhandbookjan20.pdf|NSCL ​Grad Handbook}}. It is outdated but can still be useful to provide a general overview. 
 +{{2023_office_assignment_map.pdf|Floor Map of FRIB.}} For finding individuals'​ offices, trust the directory in Outlook over this map. People are moved around often. 
 +2024 Welcome Event slides can be found {{ :​event-2024.pdf |here}}.
 ===== Contents ===== ===== Contents =====
start.1724360757.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/22 17:05 by dopfer