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   * {{ :​jobs:​InterviewPrep.pdf|Interview prep }} Notes from a seminar given in 2018.   * {{ :​jobs:​InterviewPrep.pdf|Interview prep }} Notes from a seminar given in 2018.
-====Fellowships,​ Internships,​ & Funding==== +====Fellowships,​ Internships, ​Schools ​& Funding==== 
-  * [[aaas_mass_media:​|AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellowship]] +  * [[opportunities:| Opportunities]]
-  * [[aaas_stpf:​|AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships (STPF)]] +
-  * [[aip_congress:​|AIP Congressional Fellowship Program]] +
-  * [[aip_state_department:​|American Institute of Physics (AIP) State Department Fellowship Program]] +
-  * [[aps_congress:​|American Physical Society (APS) Congressional Science Fellowship]] +
-  * [[august_ernest:​|August F. Frey and Ernest J. Frey Research Fund (chemistry, biochemistry,​ or chemical engineering)]] +
-  * [[bailey:​|Bailey Scholars Program Fellows]] +
-  * [[barbara_jim:​|Barbara Stewart Thomas and Jim Thomas Graduate Fellowship]] +
-  * [[cisac_fellowship:​|The Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) Fellowship]] +
-  * [[cogs:​|COGS Disciplinary Leadership Award]] +
-  * [[csgf:|DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (CSGF)]] +
-  * [[SSGF:|DOE National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship (SSGF)]] +
-  * [[LRGF:|DOE NNSA Laboratory Residency Graduate Fellowship (LRGF)]] +
-  * [[csis_intership:​|Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Nuclear Scholars Initiative]] +
-  * [[dos_internship:​|U.S. Department of State Student Internship Program]] +
-  * [[fast:​|Future Academic Scholars in Teaching (FAST) Fellowship]] +
-  * [[fff:​|King-Chávez-Parks Future Faculty Fellowship Program (FFF)]] +
-  * [[Ford:​|Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship]] +
-  * [[fulbright_travel:​|Fulbright U.S. Student Program]] FIXME +
-  * [[grad_school_writing:​|Graduate School Writing Fellows in the Disciplines]] +
-  * [[GRFP:|NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)]] +
-  * [[gwis:​|Graduate Women in Science (GWIS) National Fellowship Program]] +
-  * [[hertz:​|Hertz Graduate Fellowship Award]] +
-  * [[ic_fellowship:​|Intelligence Community (IC) Postdoctoral Fellowship Program]] +
-  * [[ida_internship:​|Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) Summer Associate Program]] +
-  * [[iit:​|Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Teaching (IIT) Fellowship Program]] +
-  * [[jill_hruby:​|Jill Hruby Fellowship]] +
-  * [[l_oreal:​|L’Oréal USA For Women in Science Fellowship]] +
-  * [[lanl_computational:​|Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Computational Physics Summer Workshop]] FIXME +
-  * [[lanl_dynamics:​|The Los Alamos Dynamics Summer School]] +
-  * [[lawrence:​|Lawrence Fellowship]] +
-  * [[llnl_data_science:​|LLNL Data Science Summer Institute]] +
-  * [[llnl_nuclear_safeguards_internship:​|LLNL Paid Summer Internships in International Nuclear Safeguards Policy]] +
-  * [[lrgf:|DOE NNSA Laboratory Residency Graduate Fellowship (LRGF)]] +
-  * [[mev_school:​|Modeling,​ Experimentation and Validation (MeV) School]] DELETEME +
-  * [[mlef:​|Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) Program]] +
-  * [[mrizayan:​|Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Program]] +
-  * [[nat:​|Nuclear Analytical Techniques (NAT) Summer Program]] +
-  * [[national_nuclear_summer:​|National Nuclear Physics Summer School]] FIXME +
-  * [[neumann:​|John von Neumann Fellowship]] +
-  * [[nnsa:​|NNSA Graduate Fellowship Program]] +
-  * [[nssc_gwu:​|NSSC GWU Boot Camp on Nuclear Security Policy]] FIXME +
-  * [[nssc_keepin_nonproliferation:​|NSSC LANL Keepin Nonproliferation Science Summer Program]] FIXME +
-  * [[nssc_scintillator:​|NSSC UTK Scintillator Summer School]] FIXME +
-  * [[nti_internship:​|Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)]] +
-  * [[nuclear_innovation_bootcamp:​|Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp]] +
-  * [[nuclear_inspector_school:​|Nuclear Inspector School]] FIXME +
-  * [[nuclear_security_working_group:​|The Nuclear Security Working Group’s Congressional Fellowship program]] +
-  * [[opm_internship:​|OPM Internship Program]] +
-  * [[opm_pmf:​|US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program]] +
-  * [[:|]] +
-  * [[:|]] +
-  * [[:|]] +
-  * [[:|]] +
-  * [[:|]]+
 ====Helpful External Sites==== ====Helpful External Sites====
   *Insert helpful sites here   *Insert helpful sites here
jobs/jobs.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/23 14:12 by dopfer