This is an old revision of the document!
This section is aimed at helping the Device Physicist remember the list of things that need to be done prior to the S800 tuning.
ssh -Y spdaq50
. /usr/opt/nscldaq/xxxx/daqsetup.bash
, where xxxx is the nscldaq version number (11.0-015 on Oct 26, 2015)goinstalldaq
and following the script instructions (please, contact the S800 Device Physicist if you are not sure of what you're doing).ls -l ~/stagearea
in a u6pc5 terminal, you should see: /user/s800/stagearea → /mnt/events/operations/s800/exxxxx, where xxxxx corresponds to the experiment number. If the experiment number is not right, contact S800 Device Physicist.gouninstalldaq
(please, contact Device Physicist if you are not sure of what you're doing)