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Software overview
NOTE: the operation of the S800 requires access to the S800 software account. The username and password can be found in the S800 binder that is kept in the data-U1 logbook cabinet. Ask operators in the control room (Ext. 305) for help to find it.
Computers used
u6pc5 (data U6)
Use: s800 operation. NOTE: The use of this computer should be supervised by the corresponding Device Physicist
Location: desk on the west side of data-U6
Operating system: Linux
S800 account: s800
Password: (please check the S800 binder that is kept in the data-U1 logbook cabinet)
S800 applications:
Running the S800 DAQ
Evernote (accessed by clicking in the icon “Evernote” on the u6pc4 desktop or by going to and sign as username
nscldevices, using the A1900 password)
Gimp: This is a graphical program used to take screenshoots. It can be found in the Applications Menu (left top side of u6pc5 desktop) in section Graphics
Screenshot: Application to take screenshots (accessed by clicking in the icon Screenshots on the u6pc5 desktop or by opening the “Applications Menu” (left top side of u6pc5 desktop) in section Accessories)
Hourlog: This is the online logbook used by operators. It can be only accessed by members of the operations department and device physicists (accessed by clicking in the icon “Hourlog” in the u6pc5 desktop or by going to
NCS applications (accessed by clicking in the Applications Menu (left top side of u6pc4 desktop)):
QtKM: Linux application for using knobs. Open file BLSetup_A1900.gkm.
ChannelLog: Application to track in time and record user-selected EPICS channels
QtChar: Application to display and modify values of EPICS channels
QtChan: Graphical display of selectable EPICS channels
spdaq19 (S3 vault)
Use: main acquisition computer by both s800 and experimenter account. NOTE: The use of this computer should be supervised/coordinated by the corresponding Device Physicist
Location: in the S800 electronics rack, near the S800 FP (top level)
Operating system: Linux
S800 account: s800
Password: (please check the S800 binder that is kept in the data-U1 logbook cabinet)
S800FP-PC (S3 vault)
Use: control of FP scintillator bias and control of FP remote gas handling systems (CRDCs and Ion chamber)
Location: top level in east FP electronics rack. This computer can be accessed remotely from the desktop of computer
u6pc4, by clicking in the icon
S800 Vault PC, or by typing
rdesktop -d NSCL_USER -u s800 -g 1600×1000
from a Linux terminal.
Operating system: Windows
S800 account: s800
Password: (please check the S800 binder that is kept in the data-U1 logbook cabinet)
ctl-s3 (S3 vault)
Use: control and diagnostics of hardware systems
Location: on middle level in power supply racks under stairs to top level
Operating system: Window
Account: e.g., vaultuser
Password: (ask operators in Control Room, phone ext. # 305)
u6pc1 (data U6)
u6pc2, u6pc3, u6pc4 (data U6)