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Crate Configuration

Most of the S800 electronics is installed in two racks inside the cabinet seating on the top level of the S3 vault, right in the north side of the focal plane station chamber (see picture below). There is a total of six crates mounted in the two racks. The left rack contains a CAMAC crate on the top and two NIM crates, NIM crate 1 on the middle and NIM crate 2 on the bottom. The right rack includes a VME crate on the top, NIM crate 3 on the middle and NIM crate 4 on the bottom. For an overview of the modules installed and their positions in the S800 crates, as at 16 May 2023, see the tables in the pdf that is linked to here:

The modules in the S800 crates, updated 16 May 2023

|The electronics cabinet with the electronics of the S800.

VME crate

VME crate

CAMAC crate

CAMAC crate

NIM crate 1

NIM crate 1

NIM crate 2

NIM crate 2

NIM crate 3

NIM crate 3

NIM crate 4

NIM crate 4

Electronic Diagrams

Firmware Schematics


electronics.1697459159.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/16 08:25 by noji