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venting_pumping_intermediate_image_box [2024/01/12 09:37]
noji [Filling and Running Detectors]
venting_pumping_intermediate_image_box [2024/09/26 08:50] (current)
pereira [Evacuating the Chamber]
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 The PPAC pressure S800_GHS:PI_D2431:V_RD_AB should closely follow the chamber pressure   The PPAC pressure S800_GHS:PI_D2431:V_RD_AB should closely follow the chamber pressure  
 RBT_BTS32:BPG_D2430:VP_RD up to about 10 Torr, which is the upper limit of the range of the gauge for S800_GHS:PI_D2431:V_RD_AB. RBT_BTS32:BPG_D2430:VP_RD up to about 10 Torr, which is the upper limit of the range of the gauge for S800_GHS:PI_D2431:V_RD_AB.
-===== Evacuating the Chamber =====+===== Pumping down the Chamber =====
 Ensure Ensure
venting_pumping_intermediate_image_box.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/09/26 08:50 by pereira