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to-do_list [2019/03/13 21:24]
pereira [In data U6]
to-do_list [2023/10/19 17:15] (current)
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   * [[Installation FP SCI|Install the focal-plane scintillator]] with the right thickness (1mm or 5mm)   * [[Installation FP SCI|Install the focal-plane scintillator]] with the right thickness (1mm or 5mm)
-  * Ensure that the object scintillator is in good conditions and has enough shimming positions to withstand the expected rates during the course of the experiment. The guideline document describing the installation and shimming procedure can be accessed [[|here]] +  * Ensure that the object scintillator is in good condition and has enough shimming positions to withstand the expected rates during the course of the experiment. The guideline document describing the installation and shimming procedure can be accessed [[|here]] 
   * [[Turning magnets on off#Arming of Dump Switch|Arm dump switches]]   * [[Turning magnets on off#Arming of Dump Switch|Arm dump switches]]
Line 19: Line 19:
   * Make sure Intermediate PPACs have gas   * Make sure Intermediate PPACs have gas
-===== In data U6 ===== +===== In data U4 ===== 
-  * Start [[Software#u6pc5 (data U6)|Software applications]] (in computer u6pc5)+  * Start [[Software#u4pc8 (data U4)|Software applications]] (in computer u4pc8)
-  * Source the environment file to run the DAQ+==== Setting up DAQ software ====
-        * Open a terminal in u6pc5 and type ''ssh -Y spdaq50'' +
-        * Type ''. /usr/opt/nscldaq/xxxx/daqsetup.bash'', where xxxx is the nscldaq version number (11.0-015 on Oct 26, 2015)+
-  * Verify with S800 Device Physicist that S800 DAQ has been installed and it is ready for the experiment. S800 DAQ can be installed by typing command ''goinstalldaq'' and following the script instructions (please, contact the S800 Device Physicist if you are not sure of what you're doing).+  * For each experiment, an S800 Device Physicist will, after backing up whatever is to be backed up, install S800 DAQ and make it ready for the experiment. They do so as described in the following.
 +=== Backup any updates ===
-  * Verify that **stagearea** in u6pc5 is pointing to the right place. After typing ''ls -l ~/stagearea'' in a u6pc5 terminal, you should see: **/user/s800/stagearea -> /mnt/events/operations/s800/exxxxx**, where xxxxx corresponds to the experiment number. If the experiment number is not right, contact S800 Device Physicist.+  * ~/s800develop/S800DAQ/ is a clone of the master branch of the git repository S800DAQ ( Any changes are to be reflected and updated. 
 +  * Compare files in the subdirectory Configurations (e.g. '' diff {$S800DAQDIR,$S800DEVELOPDIR/S800DAQ}/Configurations/s800crdc1v.tcl''). The files to be compared include s800crdc1v.tcl, s800crdc2v.tcl, MCFD16.tcl, trigger.tcl, s800daqinitthresholds.tcl. Examine the changes made during the previous experiment and update the files in ~/s800develop/S800DAQ/ where necessary. 
 +  * Manually add the modified files and commit the changes, and ''git push origin master''
 +=== Uninstall existing files === 
 +  * ''$ buster_load'' 
 +  * ''$ ~/bin/gouninstalldaq/'' and follow the script instructions. 
 +=== Install existing files === 
 +  * ''$ ~/bin/goinstalldaq/'' and follow the script instructions. 
 +  * The script should relink **stagearea** to the right place, provided that the proper experimental number is given. After typing ''ls -l ~/stagearea'' in a u4pc8 terminal, you should see: **/user/s800/stagearea -> /mnt/events/operations/s800/exxxxx**, where xxxxx corresponds to the experiment number. If the experiment number is not right, contact S800 Device Physicist. 
 +=== Set S800 DAQ mode ===
   * Set S800 DAQ in [[s800 daq tools#Running in Slave mode with multilogger |Slave mode and enable multilogger]] to record S800 data in the s800 stagearea.   * Set S800 DAQ in [[s800 daq tools#Running in Slave mode with multilogger |Slave mode and enable multilogger]] to record S800 data in the s800 stagearea.
   * Check [[s800 daq tools#scaler display|scalers]] while running S800 DAQ   * Check [[s800 daq tools#scaler display|scalers]] while running S800 DAQ
 +===== Other items =====
   * [[Turning magnets on/off#Set magnet currents individually |Put 10 Amps in Spectrograph dipoles]]   * [[Turning magnets on/off#Set magnet currents individually |Put 10 Amps in Spectrograph dipoles]]
to-do_list.1552526652.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/13 21:24 by pereira