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s800_spectcl [2023/09/20 15:14]
s800_spectcl [2024/11/15 11:31] (current)
swartzj [Sample spectra]
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-The SpecTcl Control has been adapted for special functions required for the analysis of S800 data. SpecTcl can be opened from computer [[Software#u4pc8 (data U4)|u4pc8]] by clicking in the icon **SpecTcl** located in its desktop, or from a Linux terminal by typing ''gospectcl''+The SpecTcl Control has been adapted for special functions required for the analysis of S800 data. SpecTcl can be opened from computer [[Software#u4pc8 (data U4)|u4pc8]] by clicking on the icon **SpecTcl** located in its desktop, or from a Linux terminal by typing ''gospectcl_s800''
 Spectra definition files can be found in directory **/user/s800/s800spectcl/Definitions**. Some pre-defined windows with useful spectra can be found in directory **/user/s800/s800spectcl/Windows**. Spectra definition files can be found in directory **/user/s800/s800spectcl/Definitions**. Some pre-defined windows with useful spectra can be found in directory **/user/s800/s800spectcl/Windows**.
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     * **.afp**: dispersive angle in the focal plane calculated from the x-y positions of the particles measured with the CRDCs      * **.afp**: dispersive angle in the focal plane calculated from the x-y positions of the particles measured with the CRDCs 
     * **.ata** and **.bta**: dispersive and non-dispersive angle of the particles after interaction with the reaction target. These parameters are reconstructed using the "inverse map"     * **.ata** and **.bta**: dispersive and non-dispersive angle of the particles after interaction with the reaction target. These parameters are reconstructed using the "inverse map"
-    * **.dta**: kinetic energy of the particles determined from the CRDC's x-postions and the spectrograph Brho. Using the relativistic relation between energy and momentum yields the momentum distribution of the particles+    * **.dta**: kinetic energy of the particles determined from the CRDC's x-positions and the spectrograph Brho. Using the relativistic relation between energy and momentum yields the momentum distribution of the particles
     * **.scatter**: the particle's scattering angle off the target calculated from the reconstructed parameters "ata" and "bta"     * **.scatter**: the particle's scattering angle off the target calculated from the reconstructed parameters "ata" and "bta"
   * **s800.tof**   * **s800.tof**
     * **.rf**: time of flight relative to the cyclotron RF      * **.rf**: time of flight relative to the cyclotron RF 
-    * **.obj**, **.obje1**, **.obje2**: time of flight between the S800 trigger scintillator and the object scintillator. Endings e1 and e2 indicate flight-path corrections beeing applied, for example using information from the scintillators E1 or E2 . +    * **.obj**, **.obje1**, **.obje2**: time of flight between the S800 trigger scintillator and the object scintillator. Endings e1 and e2 indicate flight-path corrections being applied, for example using information from the scintillators E1 or E2 . 
     * **.xfp**, **.xfpe1**, **.xfpe2**: time of flight between the S800 trigger scintillator and the extended focal plane scintillator of the A1900     * **.xfp**, **.xfpe1**, **.xfpe2**: time of flight between the S800 trigger scintillator and the extended focal plane scintillator of the A1900
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 ===== Sample spectra ===== ===== Sample spectra =====
-The following figures depict some of the S800 SpecTcl spectra used for the tunning of the S800.+The following figures depict some of the S800 SpecTcl spectra used for the tuning of the S800.
s800_spectcl.1695237298.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/09/20 15:14 by swartzj