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mapserver [2024/02/19 08:46]
noji Added a description in case of a server error.
mapserver [2024/08/09 18:00] (current)
noji Updated the savesets file paths.
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   * D1 or I265DS (old) or DV_D2597 (new)   * D1 or I265DS (old) or DV_D2597 (new)
   * D2 or I269DS (old) or DV_D2648 (new)   * D2 or I269DS (old) or DV_D2648 (new)
-These current values can be found in the beamline savesets files that can be accessed at I:\departments\AcceleratorPhysics\EXP-AP\savesets\hlc_th_exp (or on the EXP network the path is /files/shared/ap/savesets/hlc_th_exp/). Note that this is only visible from the internal network in the lab. (Cf. Although not neede for the S800 analysis, the savesets files for ARIS can be found in I:\departments\AcceleratorPhysics\FTC-AP\savesets\hlc_vps )+These current values can be found in the beamline savesets files that can be accessed at I:\departments\AcceleratorPhysics\EXP-AP\savesets\hlc_th_exp(old) or I:\departments\ARIS\info\EXP_ARIS (new) . Note that this is only visible from the internal network in the lab.
 {{::screen_shot_2023-03-29_at_11.00.21_am.png|}} {{::screen_shot_2023-03-29_at_11.00.21_am.png|}}
mapserver.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/08/09 18:00 by noji