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detectors [2024/03/26 22:37]
swartzj [Hodoscope]
detectors [2024/10/15 16:35] (current)
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 ===== Cathode Readout Drift Chambers (CRDC) ===== ===== Cathode Readout Drift Chambers (CRDC) =====
-Two Cathode Readout Drift Chamber (CRDC) are used to measure the transversal positions and angles in the [[Stations#Focal Plane station|focal plane]]. The first detector (CRDC1) is located at the nominal optical focal plane, and it is separated 1 m from the second downstream detector (CRDC2).  Each detector has an active depth of 1.5 cm, an active area of 26 cm (non-dispersive direction) x 56 cm (dispersive direction), and [[Gas handling system|it is filled]] with a gas mixture consisting of 80% CF<sub>4</sub> and 20% C<sub>4</sub>H<sub>10</sub> at a typical pressure of 40 torr. The detector frame has a volume of 68 cm (dispersive) x 38 cm (non-dispersive) x 10.3 cm (depth). The [[HV bias#CRDCs|operating high power]] depends on the charge of the measured nuclei. A schematic view of a CRDC can be seen in the figure below.+Two Cathode Readout Drift Chambers (CRDC) are used to measure the transversal positions and angles in the [[Stations#Focal Plane station|focal plane]]. The first detector (CRDC1) is located at the nominal optical focal plane, and it is separated 1 m from the second downstream detector (CRDC2).  Each detector has an active depth of 1.5 cm, an active area of 26 cm (non-dispersive direction) x 56 cm (dispersive direction), and [[Gas handling system|it is filled]] with a gas mixture consisting of 80% CF<sub>4</sub> and 20% C<sub>4</sub>H<sub>10</sub> at a typical pressure of 40 torr. The detector frame has a volume of 68 cm (dispersive) x 38 cm (non-dispersive) x 10.3 cm (depth). The [[HV bias#CRDCs|operating high power]] depends on the charge of the measured nuclei. A schematic view of a CRDC can be seen in the figure below.
 {{:wiki:crdc-drawing.jpg?600|Schematic view of the two S800 CRDCs (this figure was taken from Yurkon et al., NIM A, 422, 291 (1999) and was adapted by G. W. Hitt in his PhD thesis, MSU 2009).}} {{:wiki:crdc-drawing.jpg?600|Schematic view of the two S800 CRDCs (this figure was taken from Yurkon et al., NIM A, 422, 291 (1999) and was adapted by G. W. Hitt in his PhD thesis, MSU 2009).}}
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 A CsI(Na) hodoscope detector located downstream of the [[Detectors#Plastic scintillators|E1 scintillator]] is used to measure the total kinetic energy of implanted nuclei, allowing the identification of different charge states. An additional use recently tested is the measurement of isomer gamma-rays emitted from implanted nuclei.  A CsI(Na) hodoscope detector located downstream of the [[Detectors#Plastic scintillators|E1 scintillator]] is used to measure the total kinetic energy of implanted nuclei, allowing the identification of different charge states. An additional use recently tested is the measurement of isomer gamma-rays emitted from implanted nuclei. 
-The hodoscope is composed  32 sodium-doped cession iodide CsI(Na) scintillating crystals manufactured by [[|ScintiTech]]. Each crystal is 5.1 cm-thick, has an active area of 7.6 cm x 7.6 cm, and is attached to a photomultiplier ([[|Hamamatsu R1307]]). The photo-cathodes are made of a bi-alkali material with a transmission peak at 420 nm. The 32 crystals are arranged in eight rows of 4 crystals each so as to cover approximately the same solid angle as the [[Detectors#Cathode Readout Drift Chambers (CRDC)|CRDCs]]. The frontal and lateral sides of each crystal are covered with two 150-µm thick layers of a white Teflon reflective material to provide light shielding between the crystals. The photocathodes are connected to a [[|CAEN N568B]] 16-channel shaper/amplifier, followed by a [[|Phillips 7164H]] 12-bit ADC. The signals from the crystals are gain-matched to a middle position in the ADC spectra by varying the biases of each photocathode. +The hodoscope is composed  32 sodium-doped cesium iodide CsI(Na) scintillating crystals manufactured by [[|ScintiTech]]. Each crystal is 5.1 cm-thick, has an active area of 7.6 cm x 7.6 cm, and is attached to a photomultiplier ([[|Hamamatsu R1307]]). The photo-cathodes are made of a bi-alkali material with a transmission peak at 420 nm. The 32 crystals are arranged in eight rows of 4 crystals each so as to cover approximately the same solid angle as the [[Detectors#Cathode Readout Drift Chambers (CRDC)|CRDCs]]. The frontal and lateral sides of each crystal are covered with two 150-µm thick layers of a white Teflon reflective material to provide light shielding between the crystals. The photocathodes are connected to a [[|CAEN N568B]] 16-channel shaper/amplifier, followed by a [[|Phillips 7164H]] 12-bit ADC. The signals from the crystals are gain-matched to a middle position in the ADC spectra by varying the biases of each photocathode. 
 {{:wiki:hodoscope-drawing.jpg?500 |Schematic layout of the S800 Hodoscope (figure taken from K. Meierbachtol PhD thesis, MSU, 2012).}} {{:wiki:hodoscope-drawing.jpg?500 |Schematic layout of the S800 Hodoscope (figure taken from K. Meierbachtol PhD thesis, MSU, 2012).}}
 {{ :wiki:hodoscope-picture.jpg?450|Backface of the S800 Hodoscope (figure taken from K. Meierbachtol PhD thesis, MSU, 2012).}} {{ :wiki:hodoscope-picture.jpg?450|Backface of the S800 Hodoscope (figure taken from K. Meierbachtol PhD thesis, MSU, 2012).}}
detectors.1711507040.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/26 22:37 by swartzj