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public:past_schedule [2024/11/22 22:41]
public:past_schedule [2024/11/22 22:42] (current)
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 |2023, 04/25| Agnieszka Sorensen    Dense nuclear matter equation of state of from heavy-ion collisions   | INT, University of Washington  | in person, special seminar, the coffee discussion originally scheduled on that day is rescheduled  | |2023, 04/25| Agnieszka Sorensen    Dense nuclear matter equation of state of from heavy-ion collisions   | INT, University of Washington  | in person, special seminar, the coffee discussion originally scheduled on that day is rescheduled  |
 |2023, 05/02| Jacek Dobaczewski  | [[|Nuclear DFT electromagnetic moments in heavy deformed open-shell odd nuclei]] | University of York | in person, talk link:  | |2023, 05/02| Jacek Dobaczewski  | [[|Nuclear DFT electromagnetic moments in heavy deformed open-shell odd nuclei]] | University of York | in person, talk link:  |
 |2023, 08/18| Georgios Palkanoglou and Ryan Curry | [[ | Novel pairing and testing EFT interactions in neutron matter and nuclei ]]  | University of Guelph, Canada | in person, special seminar | |2023, 08/18| Georgios Palkanoglou and Ryan Curry | [[ | Novel pairing and testing EFT interactions in neutron matter and nuclei ]]  | University of Guelph, Canada | in person, special seminar |
 |2023, 09/12| Nobuo Hinohara | [[ |  Nuclear pairing and related phenomena in nuclear dynamics ]] |  University of Tsukuba, Japan |in person| |2023, 09/12| Nobuo Hinohara | [[ |  Nuclear pairing and related phenomena in nuclear dynamics ]] |  University of Tsukuba, Japan |in person|
public/past_schedule.1732333295.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/11/22 22:41 by sargsyan