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public:past_schedule [2023/08/19 06:59]
public:past_schedule [2024/11/22 22:42] (current)
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 |2023, 05/02| Jacek Dobaczewski  | [[|Nuclear DFT electromagnetic moments in heavy deformed open-shell odd nuclei]] | University of York | in person, talk link:  | |2023, 05/02| Jacek Dobaczewski  | [[|Nuclear DFT electromagnetic moments in heavy deformed open-shell odd nuclei]] | University of York | in person, talk link:  |
 |2023, 08/18| Georgios Palkanoglou and Ryan Curry | [[ | Novel pairing and testing EFT interactions in neutron matter and nuclei ]]  | University of Guelph, Canada | in person, special seminar | |2023, 08/18| Georgios Palkanoglou and Ryan Curry | [[ | Novel pairing and testing EFT interactions in neutron matter and nuclei ]]  | University of Guelph, Canada | in person, special seminar |
 +|2023, 09/12| Nobuo Hinohara | [[ |  Nuclear pairing and related phenomena in nuclear dynamics ]] |  University of Tsukuba, Japan |in person|
 +|2023, 09/26| Alessandro Lovato | [[ | Variational learning quantum wave functions  ]] |  ANL |in person|
 +|2023, 10/03| Jhilam Sadhukhan | [[ | Toward large-scale calculation of nuclear fission process ]] | Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, India |in person|
 +|2023, 10/10| Chong Qi | [[ | Partial conservation of seniority in semi-magic nuclei: A toy model comes true ]] | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden | in person |  
 +|2023, 10/17| Zidu Lin| [[ | Indication of Sharp and Strong Phase-Transitions from NICER Observations ]] | University of Tennessee |in person|
 +|2023, 10/31| Seth Jacobson | A review of the isotopic dichotomy of the Solar System |  MSU |in person, postponed|
 +|2023, 11/14| Emiko Hiyama| [[ | Structure of multi-neutron systems]] | Tohoku U. and RIKEN  |in person |
 +|2023, 11/21| Hang Yu | [[ | Nuclear Few-body Systems in Finite Volume]] | North Carlina State University |in person |
 </sortable> </sortable>
public/past_schedule.1692442792.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/08/19 06:59 by zhangx