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public:past_schedule [2019/11/01 17:21]
public:past_schedule [2024/11/22 22:42] (current)
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 | 2019-04-16  | Amy Lovell | // Utilizing correlations in fission observables //                                                                                        | Los Alamos National Laboratory | | 2019-04-16  | Amy Lovell | // Utilizing correlations in fission observables //                                                                                        | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
 | 2019-06-09  | Ronen Weiss | // What happens when two nucleons get very close to each other? //                                                                         | Racah Institute of Physics | | 2019-06-09  | Ronen Weiss | // What happens when two nucleons get very close to each other? //                                                                         | Racah Institute of Physics |
 +| 2019-09-10 | Jeremy Holt | // Microscopic optical potentials from chiral nuclear forces // | Texas A&M University | |
 +| 2019-09-24 | Mikhail Stephanov | // The challenge of discovering QCD critical point // | University of Illinois at Chicago |   
 +| 2019-10-08 | André Sieverding | // Supernova nucleosynthesis // | University of Minnesota |  |
 +| 2019-10-22 | Alexandros Gezerlis | // From alpha clustering to homogeneous matter // | University of Guelph |  |
 +| 2019-11-05 | Alexander Volya | // Atomic nucleus an open quantum many-body system // | Florida State University |  |
 +| 2019-11-19 | Young-Ho Song | // Parity-violating neutron spin rotation in <sup>4</sup>He // | RISP, Institute for Basic Science |  |
 +| 2019-11-27 | Erik Olsen | // Uncertainty in the Nuclear Energy Density Functional: Going Beyond the Mean Field // | Université Libre de Bruxelles |  |
 +| 2019-12-02  | Nicole Vassh | // r-process nucleosynthesis studies meet the next generation of observation and experiment //  | r-process nucleosynthesis studies meet the next generation of observation and experiment | FRIB-TA fellowship interviews  |
 +| 2019-12-03  | Christian Drischler | // Applications of chiral forces up to N3LO to finite nuclei and neutron stars  //  | University of California, Berkeley | FRIB-TA fellowship interviews  |
 +| 2019-12-04  | Alexis Mercenne  | // Toward the drip lines with unified approaches to nuclear structure and reactions //  | Louisiana State University | FRIB-TA fellowship interviews  |
 +| 2019-12-05  | Chloe Hebborn | // Study of the eikonal approximation to model exotic reactions //  | Universite libre de Bruxelles | FRIB-TA fellowship interviews  |
 +| 2019-12-06  | Jin Lei | // Nuclear reactions from a three body perspective // | Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare | FRIB-TA fellowship interviews  |
 +|2020-01-14| Nobuo Hinohara | // {{nssc:hinohara.pdf|Neutron-proton pairing in nuclear density functional theory}} // | University of Tsukuba  | |
 +|2020-01-28| Carla Fröhlich | // Neutrinos, nuclei and compact remnants from supernovae // | North Carolina State University |  |
 +|2020-02-11| Keh-Fei Liu    | // {{nssc:spin_mass_neutrino.pdf|Proton Spin and Mass Decompositions and neutrino-nucleon scattering from Lattice QCD}} // | University of Kentucky | Nuclear Theory - HEP joint seminar  |
 +|2020-02-25| Dmytro Oliinychenko | // {{nssc:Oliinychenko_snow_balls.pdf|Snowballs in hell: Light nuclei production in heavy ion collisions}} // | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | |
 +|2020-03-10| Michelle Kuchera | // {{nssc:kuchera_ml_thfrib.pdf|Machine learning in theory applications}} // | Davidson College (NC)| |
 +|2020-09-15| Xilin Zhang  | {{ :public:20200915-zhang.pdf |Ab initio calculations of low-energy nuclear scattering using confining potential traps}} | Ohio State U  |  |
 +|2020-10-06| Jocelyn Read | Gravitational wave observations and neutron-star matter | Cal State Fullerton | [[|{{:yt_16.png?nolink|Watch on YouTube}}]] |
 +|2020-10-20| Natalie Klco | {{ :public:20201020-klco.pdf |Calculating Nature Naturally}} | INT/Caltech    |
 +|2020-11-03| Noemi Rocco  | {{ :public:20201103-rocco.pdf |Lepton-nucleus scattering within nuclear many-body theory}} | ANL           | [[|{{:yt_16.png?nolink|Watch on YouTube}}]] |
 +|2020-12-01| Sait Umar    | {{ :public:20201201-umar.pdf |Dynamics of quantum equilibration in low-energy collisions}} | Vanderbilt U  | [[|{{:yt_16.png?nolink|Watch on YouTube}}]] |
 +| 2021-01-19 | Hans-Werner Hammer   | Structure and lifetime of the hypertriton | TU Darmstadt | [[|{{:yt_16.png?nolink|Watch on YouTube}}]] |
 +| 2021-02-02 | Sherwood Richers     | {{ :public:20210202-richers.pdf |3D Simulations of the Neutrino Fast Flavor Instability}} | UC Berkeley   | [[|{{:yt_16.png?nolink|Watch on YouTube}}]] [[|{{:google_slides_2020_logo.png|Presentation on Google Slides}}]] |
 +| 2021-02-16 | André Walker-Loud    | {{ :public:20210216-walkerloud.pdf |Understanding lattice QCD applications to the two-nucleon system}} | Berkeley Lab  | [[|{{:yt_16.png?nolink|Watch on YouTube}}]]        |
 +| 2021-03-02 | Kyle Wendt           | Hybrid Digital/Analog Quantum Simulations via Optimal Control | LLNL          |         |
 +| 2021-03-16 | Scott Bogner         | {{ :public:20210316-bogner.pdf |Short-range correlation physics in a low-resolution picture}} | MSU           | [[|{{:yt_16.png?nolink|Watch on YouTube}}]]  |
 +| 2021-04-06 | Kostas Kravvaris     | {{ :public:20210406-kravvaris.pdf |First Principles Calculations Of Light Ion Reactions}} | LLNL          | [[|{{:yt_16.png?nolink|Watch on YouTube}}]]  |
 +| 2021-04-20 | Francesca Sammarruca | {{ :public:20210420-sammarruca.pdf |Nuclear Forces in the Medium: Insight from the Equation of State}} | U Idaho       | [[|{{:yt_16.png?nolink|Watch on YouTube}}]]  |
 +| 2021-05-04 | Yinu Zhang           | {{ :public:20210504-zhang.pdf |Nuclear EDFs: Particle vibration coupling to superfluid nuclei in axial deformation}} | Western Michigan U | [[|{{:yt_16.png?nolink|Watch on YouTube}}]]  |
 +|2021-10-26| Enrico Rinaldi | {{ :public:20211026_rinaldi.pdf | Quantum gravity in the lab: matrix quantum mechanics meets quantum computing}} | University of Michigan & RIKEN | [[|{{:yt_16.png?nolink|Watch on YouTube}}]] |
 +|2021-11-09| Chuck Horowitz | The CREX and PREX neutron density experiments | Indiana University | [[|{{:yt_16.png?nolink|Watch on YouTube}}]] |
 +|2021-11-23| Jamie M. Karthein | First-principles-based equations of state for QCD at finite temperature and density | University of Houston | [[|{{:yt_16.png?nolink|Watch on YouTube}}]] | 
 +|2022, January 25| Elena Litvinova | Emergence in atomic nuclei and the quest for spectroscopic accuracy | Western Michigan University |  |
 +|2022, Feburary 8| Baha Balantekin | Collective Neutrino Oscillations and Quantum Entanglement | University of Wisconsin, Madison |  |
 +|2022, February 22| Michael Strickland | Bottomonium suppression in the QGP – From EFTs to non-unitary quantum evolution | Kent State University |   |
 +|2022, March 22| Yuanzhuo Ma | Chiral 3NF and continuum in weakly bound nuclear systems | South China Normal University |  |
 +|2022, April 12| Yukari Yamauchi | Real-time dynamics of lattice field theories| University of Maryland |  |
 +|2022, April 26| Francesco Turro | Quantum algorithms for many-body dynamics and structure | University of Trento |  |
 +|2022, May 3| Ruprecht Machleidt | Diverse News from the ab initio Front | University of Idaho | |
 +|2022, June 7|Thanassis Psaltis| Constraining nucleosynthesis using observations, simulations and nuclear physics| TU Darmstadt | |
 +|2022, June 14|David Reinhardt| An algebraic geometric classification of the solutions of the 1D Gross-Pitaevskii equation |German Aerospace Center (DLR)| |
 +|2022, 09/06| Mihai Horoi | Predicting the neutrinoless double-beta decay matrix element of 136Xe using a statistical approach | Central Michigan University | in person |
 +|2022, 09/20| Tong Li and Son Mookyong | Parameter calibration for beta-decay calculations with the Skyrme finite amplitude method |LLNL and MSU statistics department | Joint talk, in person |
 +|2022, 10/04| Josh Isaacson  |  A modern theorist-driven lepton-nucleus event generator|  Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory | Joint seminar with HEP, in person |
 +|2022, 10/18| Chuck Horowitz | Future of neutron rich matter: neutron skins to neutron stars |Indiana University--Bloomington|  in person |
 +|2022, 11/01| Jiangyong Jia | Imaging the nuclear structure in high-energy heavy-ion collisions |Stony Brook University |  in person |
 +|2023, 01/24| Mark Caprio  | Seize the moment (or radius): What to do when your (long-range) observables don't converge?  | University of Notre Dame |in person|
 +|2023, 02/07| Katharine Hunt| [[|Bell inequalities, Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequalities, and qubit entropy: Explorations with noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers]]   |Department of Chemistry, MSU| in person|
 +|2023, 02/21| Ronen Weiss | [[|Short-range expansion for the nuclear many-body problem ]] | LANL  | virtual |
 +|2023, 03/20| Edgard Bonilla  |  [[|Approximating operators to recover an efficient reduced order model]]  | Stanford University | special seminar, in person  |
 +|2023, 03/21| Alessandro Lovato  |  Variational learning quantum wave functions  | ANL | cancelled  |
 +|2023, 04/04| Laura Moschini    [[|Interplay of different reaction channels in low-energy nuclear reactions with exotic nuclei]] | University of Surrey  | in person  |
 +|2023, 04/11| Morten Hjorth-Jensen   | [[|Coulomb interaction driven entanglement of electrons on helium, theory and experiment]] | FRIB | in person |
 +|2023, 04/25| Agnieszka Sorensen    Dense nuclear matter equation of state of from heavy-ion collisions   | INT, University of Washington  | in person, special seminar, the coffee discussion originally scheduled on that day is rescheduled  |
 +|2023, 05/02| Jacek Dobaczewski  | [[|Nuclear DFT electromagnetic moments in heavy deformed open-shell odd nuclei]] | University of York | in person, talk link:  |
 +|2023, 08/18| Georgios Palkanoglou and Ryan Curry | [[ | Novel pairing and testing EFT interactions in neutron matter and nuclei ]]  | University of Guelph, Canada | in person, special seminar |
 +|2023, 09/12| Nobuo Hinohara | [[ |  Nuclear pairing and related phenomena in nuclear dynamics ]] |  University of Tsukuba, Japan |in person|
 +|2023, 09/26| Alessandro Lovato | [[ | Variational learning quantum wave functions  ]] |  ANL |in person|
 +|2023, 10/03| Jhilam Sadhukhan | [[ | Toward large-scale calculation of nuclear fission process ]] | Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, India |in person|
 +|2023, 10/10| Chong Qi | [[ | Partial conservation of seniority in semi-magic nuclei: A toy model comes true ]] | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden | in person |  
 +|2023, 10/17| Zidu Lin| [[ | Indication of Sharp and Strong Phase-Transitions from NICER Observations ]] | University of Tennessee |in person|
 +|2023, 10/31| Seth Jacobson | A review of the isotopic dichotomy of the Solar System |  MSU |in person, postponed|
 +|2023, 11/14| Emiko Hiyama| [[ | Structure of multi-neutron systems]] | Tohoku U. and RIKEN  |in person |
 +|2023, 11/21| Hang Yu | [[ | Nuclear Few-body Systems in Finite Volume]] | North Carlina State University |in person |
 </sortable> </sortable>
public/past_schedule.1572643269.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/01 17:21 by giuliani